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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 16

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 16

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 RAILROADS. Refund on Mileage Books Will Be T-sfed la KejsUne Slate Cwurts. Attorney-General Ordered Proceed at Once OfflriiU llaia Tkat Prif tir Te ajlraiia If BaaLii ia IU Ckarfer. NEW TORK EXCITED. 4 1.

nsiK i vo tbs ssqriaia. Now Tork. February HI. 4. rain mer- cbwnts at thla port were startled yester To IlarrisiMirg.

february JA Serrna. tf of Internal -Affair Brown to-day artrwcted tb Al orn) to begin iult against lb IVns aiia Railroad Company lo stop I be collection of th refund mllrac books, fcar-h purchaser of a I JO rallawg boh oa 1 fean least Un- la at present!"! lo lea a deposit 110. which. th company claim. Is for tb purpose of preventing the lllegltlsaat lis of iha bo.

Secretary browni aciloa la th result of complaint fifed by organisations of trav. ilnc Miasm-!) and business men of Philadelphia and IMitliuif on January 14. 1e -Secretary a public hesrisg on lb 'complaint on January at hkh lb wet represented by rwjnl and officers tb "Horn. 1 as Twenty-Sis" Travelers' Prvle-tlve Aoiatiun and ibe aUrrrbaat and Trairlrrs" Association. After lb hearing the railroad cumpany and Iha ni'-d I.

gal brief. anl to-day the whole matter waa certified to Atlorney-Ueoeral with to proreed agalnet the company to retiree tha wrongs complained of. rtretry hruwn confirm aa se.l taken the contention of the traveling and men that la demanding a caab de-prH Ibe Pennsylvania KaJlroad Company la rrr1Ui part of the prlrllegee of a basking Inailtutlon and thereby violating In constitution of the state, which- spe-ilfWally ruhirlia a-orpura lions from engaging In aay business nut forth la Ita charter. The Secretary the IO dr-oo'l a a dlactmlnatlon agatnat the holders of mileage roma aa mrniwtnl talth persona using other fnrmi of transportation. He art that If the Pennsylvania Railroad- can demand a deuoslt tn Mini of the actual prtt of the ticket from one claaa of pas-sengera It tan make a eimilar demand on eia clasa of ahlppera of freight aa against noilirt.

thereby opening up opportunities for all sorts of discriminations In rates. Lgal Torces at Work. arBriat. marsTia xa Owtiaas Kbrury 16. The legal of toe fVnii Wanla Kallmad are kelnc quit ly fur its Inipvaikng l.atlte with the Uuternment and wltb ita (rellminary aklrmlh-a with th atatrs of I'enna) vanLa and M.

OeorB V. Massey. tlaneral t'ounael jr txie cumpan). baa lern recalled from JCurope. and arrived tiuletly yeatrrds) Mr.

Maasey went abroad for the aake of hta heaith the Drat of tba year, and expected ita remain all aummer In Kurope. When Oilistte Intrmluced In gr9 bla resolution that the rrlatloos vf tht Pennaylvanla and lfa controlled roaua be nnadftie aubect vf Federal Inveatlsa- lon. prepare tlona for a contest with the Uoreramnt w-re begun by the Pennsylvania's management iha day following. Within 41 houra toe (lill-tie resolution bad been adopted by Congress oun-sl laasser racsived a cablrgram from the I'snnaylvanla management directing him to return to Philadelphia without delay. lie has Immediately taken uo the auper- vlston of preparations for combating nnl aiiempi lo nrris up ine Rlirgfrq rsjironu Coal Trust and the combination of railroad which the Pennsylvania holds the majority of stock.

J. J. Rrooka. Oeneral I'ouo-ael for the Pennsylvania lines, whore hesd-jtiarters are In Plttahura. has been In fre-auent consultation with Mr.

Massey alncc the rotter'a return. Plttaburg official of the Pennsylvania aid to-night that the Pennsylvania's defense supporlng that the matter comes to an Issue in the Courts la being shaped up as rapidly aa HARMON DECEltBEH KEP0ET. Heeiver Jud'on ll.irmon. of the II. and U.

riled in the Federal Circuit' Court a report of receipts and rtls-boracnients from Lleveitiber 5 to 31. IWiV liirlusivc. When lie took charge of the lnlert) be reieived a cash of SIOH.Oil ST. and thta amount added in re. t'llitance from sgente.

earning, dtc. a a sregated e0 14 kh that so rued prior lo the There has accrued under the receiverariip from the same source ss the above the sum of $1 To. making a totai of Sl.rjo.7tc: iJ. Th. total disburse ments accrued prior to and after tli receivership aggregate SI.5M.7HT at.

Ieav ing a cash balance of ll.TS.'JUi let un hand lceinber 31 lat. leposltorle. and the amounts piaced In theiu are as follows: J. P. Morgan to.

New Tork. t.Y31 9: Merchants' Na thwial lUrk. 'li. fTCTlet 4J; Klrat National Itauk. Tole.lo.

Ohio. tl: Third Na tenai. thiytou. Ohio. I'Wl So: Provl.len Kavlng Bank and Trust Company, tlty S.o.a4 21; csh and caab Items An Treae- lirrr ofBc.

Sd.taA day by the newa that the Ililnola Central bad made so export rate on oats from Minneapolis to New firtean five rents below tnat available to the Atlantic sea- lNrd. If tl rate la maintained It means. tl 1 argued, a severe blow to New Tork's export oats business. Th matter has received th prompt tsntlon of tb TraJe and Transportation Committee vf lb New York Produce El- chant. Mr.

James F. Parker. Chairman or tb romroatte. na taken th matter up wltb lbs Eastern trunk line railroads, aad wil bring all possible pressure to bear to serur a rat that will enable Nw York te retain lis expert trad la oata. PASSENGES.

AGENTS MEET. 'tin. sisr.Tca las sxorissa. West Baden. February A two days' meetlinr of Passenger Agents of tb B.

and 41. 8. W. Railway began at this re sort to-day. with General lassnaTer Agnt 4.

P. Met "arty preaidlng. Th attendance la large. Th purpose of the attesting la to discuss tonics of interest, gather Individual Ideas and systematise the working of the fas anger department. Among those in at tendance from Cincinnati are C.

H. Wise man. a. T. Seely.

J. C. Kelley. J. C.

Mar- ooete. W. J. Rotxnson. W.

G. Brown aad NOURISH the don't dose it with medicine. Scott's Emulsion is the best nourishment in existence. It is more than a food; you may. doubt it, but it digests perfectly easy and at the same time gets the digestive functions in a' condition so that ordinary food can be easily digested.

Try it if you are run down and your rod doesn't nourish you. tCOTT at EC auJ Street NewYarb. O. A. Mita.

Aslt4nt Oenerat Passenger Afet r. IX J. K- Buchanan end I. L. Hornioi.

St- Louts: B. S. Brooa ad Kt tTotr, 1 H. Iorr. Lot.rliis: W.

p. Townsend, in, ease-. a general re presents turn la present U' entire passenger department from eii weer lb country. 0X9 ISSUE A.KKAKGED. New Tor.

February 1C Idenborg. halms a aV Co. and Hallaarten sV wilB) wboaa re asaociatad tho Bank Ku-r Handel Industriea and the Beriiaer Handels of Hernn. have closed a contract with tho Meslr-aa Central Railway Company. Limited, to underwrite worth of four-year notea to proelde for the refunding of OOO.Oiei of short-term obtlgatiooa outstaading and to conrrt Into tho refunding- Issue aa hasoo of ftf.urV.ija of notes dated September I.

lunTt. and to provide for th corporal requirement of the MUST STAT AT TTIXR. Ilius'ott. Tesas. Tbrrr 1 In a derision banded down to-day th Supreme fourt of Tsa bolda that the Bt.

Louie Souihweatern may not remove It general office to TexarVana and Its shope to Big Har.dy. but an Jst maintain both at' Tyle-beoaijse of the contract to do so. lb c-m-pany baring beeo given returns in the way of suoney and land. 71 company tried to remove the offices to Tesarkana a a matter of economy, bar Ing both Texas and Arkaasaa tisadouarler located tV-re. HAB.TLWAJS WILL CQNTB0L.

Alnkatu. February Id It la reported on seemingly rellahle authority that the Lrulufhv St. Cloud. Glerw-oe 'and Man- kato Railway Company iias passed Into the control of tbe llsriimaii interests and that the Illinois Central Road will operato the lino when completed. It I furtfier said that the road will be built tbrougb to Duluth.

making; direct connection between tbe head of the lak an-l the Uulf of Mexico, form ing a trnnk lino with bo single competitor. DIFFERENTIAL DEADLOCK. Chicago. February 1. Passenger repre sentatives of Eastern railroads, mho for the pat two laa have, been discussing the differential question, came to a dead- bxk to-day.

due tn the inability of tbe Grand Trunk, tbe Michigan Central and the Krie Roads ts agreo upon bsis ot arbitration of the question. UNTIL MOHDAY. Waahlngfon. February W. After consid ering the Tillman resolution Inst the Interstate Corn mere Commission to laves- the members Of the ct.

mailt ley and. their counsel went to look for quarters In wblch to hold tbe sessions. Rooms In th Masonic Temple were Inspected, as well as some others along Third street, but it was so lat that no selection was made. They mill continue their inspection of rooms this UHirnlng. snd It Is prohabl that before the day la over oj'iarters will be secured.

After their meeting Mr. Roettlnger said: 'We hav had a very pleasant and satis factory meeting- wltb the Senate commute, anil believe that in so far as tbs committee Is concerned a sincere effort will be made lo serve the people. Regardless of any talk about a partisan investigation, we feel that we assure the pubile that our work will done without malice, without prejit die and without partisan bias. The (Sub ject is entirely too Important to be treated from a narrow tandolnt. and tb facts must speak for themselves.

Much baa been aaid and much has been written concerning comllthyis existing In Cincinnati. If tbeae statements are weil founded nothing better can happen than to have a full disclosure so that proper remedies msy be applied. To this end every good ciliien who can assist tbe committee ought to come for ward at once with such Information as possesses. If th city and It officials, together with thus who hav selected the metal, during many year, have been maligned, it will be our duly aad pleasure to so. Th tssk before the committee Is rather an extensive on, and counsel 1 charged with the responsibility of getting ready for the hearing.

Thla preparation may take some time, and wJrfle 'we shall do everv thing possible to make progress) we ar not disposed to be In a hurry. As the press Is aa essential part of daily life, we hope to make ample provisions for Its representative. As soon so we secure quar ters the press will be Informed. IMPERSONATED Ft. ThorAas Saloon Keeper and Swin dled Local Whixky Tirm.

The firm of G. At B. Oerdes. liquor deal ers. Main street, waa swindled by shrewd forger About three weeks ago a member of the firm waa called up by phone by a man who represented him self ss Cha.

Rtedrnatter. toe well-known Ft. Thomas Saloon keeper. He stated that he had seat- a boy for a case of whisky. which waa needed In a hurry, and asked that the order filled promptly.

8hortly arterwaro a laa. in or IT years of age. -called at the uerdes store with aa order containing- Reidmatter's signature, calling for a case or whisky. Th boy Sraa given the case of liquor aad he departed, saying that he would take -it with hint on' a street csr. The members of tbe firm bid not quest too the transac tion, as It had had frequent dealings-with RledmattJ while he was in business at Pearl and Butler streets six or eight months previous.

Accordingly when sec ond order waa received, about a week later It waa likswta filled promptly. A third order a few days later was also flllsd and about th earn time a check waa received covering the amount of sale, aggregating The check, which was on the City Hall Bank, waa signed with Rled ma tier's name. Shortly afterward Mr. Riedmatier received telephone message from Gerdea. stating that the check had been returned from th bank Indorsed "No runda." Mr.

Riedmatier. after recovering from his surprise, told Mr. Uerdes that ordered uo whi.vky from th firm, and bermoa that be never bad an an-iwnl Hi tn City 1111 Bank- lie pid a visit tb Ur! 4 and upou examiuing In. chsv'k discovered st one that It waa a very poor attempt a. forgery.

Tker waa b'lt rsaentbuiac iMrtweea th genuine and forgd elgatiirrs. The police- are Investigating lnB cse. TKTJLSTS STJEDZir TZATH. The nv-montha-ld child t.r Bramlage. of l73o Kvana atreel.

was seized with a spasm yester-la; artern'ioii and befor the irrital of a pii ticun. Deputy Coroner foe vlened tb body inj a tl aa IntiuesU (HI Thorn'e Was Declared i In His Trealnrat the Coanlv Lnit Option Dili, But Senate President Hotly De nied Canmck's Charge. Ctaff derate Home Is IaTesiiated and K-BDd All Ei'fct ytrr Uws rrtjeefed. rcii. btsrtrra to tx cscia.

rrankfor. Ky February 1. Tbe county unit bill created a sensation la the Sena to to-day by causing the President and opposition Senators lo be charged with unfair- I The President reepoaded In kind, and th situation waa "omlnsu and forebodinV a th old negro said, Senator Cammack Renewed bia motion of Tuesday to have the county unit local option bil made a special order for next In his speech oa the motion charged President borne bad been unfair, and so had tho Senators opposing the bill. He resd a history of the Braruiork bill tn Ibe Ohio legislature. In which it was charged that, the presiding officers there bad ac'ed unfairly.

If said If this bill was throttled th Liem-K-ratlc party In Kentucky would meet wltb the same fat th Ilepuhll'-an party did in Ohio. Senator Charlton said Cammack himself waa acting In bad faith because tb unit bill's friends had served notice that no bill should be made a special order, and now were asking what I they were denying others; that he bad been la tba legislature for years, and bad never be for bad his motives imp'igneo. Didn't Ilk the Charj. Senator Newman, who votd Tuesday to tlsst railroad dtscrlmlnatlona and mooopw- I mak the bill a special order, said he did lies, the HouseCotnmltte on Interstate and foreign Commerce decided to postpone ac tion on the resolution until next Monday. when It will be a special order.

"DRAKERS" Put on Their Gum Shoes AJ MatleTkeir Lttj lit inriBiiti lavf stiatom Cnsnlt Witk ('nof I Qnarters Sf ored. The. legislative Investigating Committee arrived In the city yesterday afternoon, and Immediately put on Its gum shoes. Except those wno were posted aa to wber th committee would bold It conference with counsel and an tCtui inaa reporter who fer reted out their wlierealwut. no on had thanes to talk to them.

From the l'm they left' Columbus yesterday morning at In o'clock until they wre closeted wltb th counsel they maintained an attitude of aecretlreaess. They kx ked themselves la th drawing; room of the tar on th train. and would not see any one. When they arrived at Wlntun Place station they left th train and cam down town on a car. They repaired to th office of Senator Kspy, In the First National Hank HuiiJing.

thence to the office of Assistant Counsel Frank M. Coppot-k. In tbe same building. Chief Counsel Roet linger was sent for. and also Assistant Counsel Hunt.

They conferred for over two hours. VYhil in consultation tb subject of the investigation was gone over thoroughly. and Menators Drake and Schmidt, who are residents of the. northern part of the state. mere made acaualnted with the Dlan of by a vote of 17 yess to 1H nays.

Those voting aye mere: Bennett, Cammack, Campbell. Chinn. Combs. Cox. Kcton.

Ueorge. ISIilen water. Uorin. Grady. Owen.

Klves. Shadoan. Ward. Watson and WhlU. Those voting no were: Allen.

Charlton. Pehaven, llarbeson. Hlckmsn. Hngan, Hubble. Johnson.

Incnster. IJnn. Maxwell. Mc.N'utt. Newman.

Pbelpa. Porter. Renaker. pence nnd Tabb. The absentees were Bumam.

Nell and Seen. What made the attack more exasperating to Thorne waa the fact that LJeutenant Governor Miller, of Indiana, was sitting by hla side when Cammack: made hla speech. In Justice to Thorne It can be slated that r.ot one of hla rulrngs has been objectetd to this session by Cammack or any other Senator, and be has made no ruling at all Investigation. They expressed themselves affcctlne the county unit bill. aa satisfied, and after some informal talk not Ilk the charge that those opposed lo the bill mere Influenced by whisky Inter ests; that he represented three fourth-clas towns that would lie ruined financially if thla bill paased: that he would vote for a bill for absolute prohibition all over th ite.

but not for a bill that will neces sarily permit some cities to be "wet" snd others "dry;" that he would vote for this ill If amended so as to except cities to the first four rlssaes. and that believed such sn amendment could be agreed on. 8-nstor Porter spoke at length against the bill and motion and aald If the bill paased every city would become Infested with blind tigers and "boot leasers." Senator George again served notice that he would continue to vote to throttl all other bills as long as the unit bill waa throttled. Thorn Was Humiliated. Just before the rote was taken on the motion lieutenant Governor Thorne.

with murb feeling, said he felt much humiliated that any Senator, and especially Senator Cammack. should make air Insinuation of unfairness ag-alnst him; that he had not in one Instance stretched the rotes for or against any bill; that he believed -the Sen ator waa the only on In the Senate nar row enough to make auch a 'charge, and. acting on the law of self-defense, be made this statement and that he was prepared to defend himself against such unfair and unjust attacks. Cammack said nothing In reply. The vote was taken on Camraark's motion and it was again lost, but this time CONFEDERATE HOME Was In Tea tips ted and Found To Bs Well Managed.

When -the Senate convened thn reading of the Journal was dispensed with. Senator from a special commit tee aur-'inlcd to investigate tbe Confederal present-d the committee's report, which was adopted by tbe Senate. Tbe report says that the complainant. Alex ander LaHi, produced uo testimony to support hi charges of cruelty and mismanage men I that. Law son wss at one time an Inmate of the lioem and as soon as admitted -gan to foment strife and dis cord; thst his cn scares were found to be frivolous, msllgnanc and without foundation In fact.

The report commends th management of the Home in highest terms" snd la signed by all the committee, three Democrats and two Republicans. A resolution to pay $18. the expenses of the com mittee, was adopted. Senator Campbell's resolution Inviting Governor Beckham i to attend the divorce law congress In Washington oa February 1. was unanimously adopted.

The House' resolution to celebrate Wash ington's Birthday was adopted. A communication from the Governor, sub mitting a report of the Insurance Commis sioner's investigations, made by direction of the Governor, was referred to the Com mittee on Insurance. tin motion of Senator Allen the Senate went Into Committee of tbe Whole and heard Dr. George 8prague. of Lrxlngton.

on tbe subject of fighting tuberculosa and tb berea-dly of a stats sanitarium. After le. MpraguVs talk: the committees were called and about So bills were report ed and went Into the orders of the day. Vw BUI. The Rowing new b.lls were Introduced STI.

by Mr Campbell Authnristnr ewaera ar laa ts isstKate suit to aettis ia till a pate part sr sn isso. saetaer a soee.tol of aalO Isnd not. Ns. m. by Mr Omm Act ts ratify aad con charters 1 eers eadoss heretoror takaa nut saoev ibe las.

of thla coasts si wealth uaoer ta statut permitting a icoosotidatiaa eC No. ST, bv Mr. Ward Act aiMhoristae aptsala from e-MtaM tavetving esnstrsctioa a atatats or caniiiuitOA. No m. br Mr.

Linn Act retail na to rVorts aad provkliBTa eosMiitiaa upesv which account. a-atnet any cunt ansy paid. XT, sr nr. raeiss Act casern in cavatlons ts slriss sT las flrvt-cLme. Rfum.

ose eacavaiinB pmvect aojaoMt salts ar lana No. 37. Mr. pnslps Aet autsorlsuis I M- fe, utr tit baaka aad trust coaspaaiea to Si hours of ossein n4 cioainc. Na 2..

sv Mr. FMtr Act rotating ts reesed- nc or wntta nstrumn. dt louii' tjisjaa. Ns IT ly Mr. mo Act aartaoelaia: tb three avals asyluaaa ts iBstail a r' uli aretnklmc stetsi for Sr.

peotactton. No. zrv sy Mr. mhwi act reovioing that ra Md-daas etties so anfui aiallir er Irrss-alafii. of Husra ef oserviaiws a Ha II mak.

in asina- IsxsiM. as a-tviae risM ts agsrivd tax paver to apessi ts t'oontv Juds. zts. sv Mr. jh.

Act ts amend Bsetlsa 141. Kestsckr so tbat slid aeeas sr suiv be killed Ht April. Tbs Seaata adJusMwed tul Mowday at Boon. Tb BT A PARTY VOTE Bedistricting Bill Was Xfter aVmndment. striking them front au.l takltuf Mason County from ttlr Thirtr-Oftb Seiatorbu iHsinrt and -adriaa: it iu n.e Ttarty-nrst lHstrict.

Aa ametxled tbe bill was doptvd by a atrh party vote of trr to -1 House bill oi rf be Mlddleehuro hills proposing 0f a legislature of by hb t. city la required to pay Interest on bonded debt befor paying salaries or municipal officers, waa next called up. It was adopted t.y vole of 70 to I. Pv vole cf tit a the H'Kiss adnpe bill l.4. a companion li.1I for benefit of CliAirniAn MuLe, cf Laa THE KNQUTKKH, CINCIXXATL I SATURDAY, FEIiKUAttY 17, 1000 Fanei On motion of Mr.

Redvfne th IIous took up the aubaiitute bill proposing to red I strict tbe senatorial dtmrtcta of the state. Amendments srere adortted placinc Ie County la the 8-vesteenth District and Owaley In th EUgbteewth District and Committee. 'reported favorably Wlis as fol lows: Senate bill 14. prov Win park commls-kfM-rs for econd class Ctrl. Tbe Mueller Mil.

providing cresting tbe Hoard Waterworks of tb tHy of I ie. to take charge of and operate tb waterworks of that city. Mr. Souths II secured consent to introduce two new bills. They are: Aa act making the Crty Attorney the Prosecutor Hi the Police Court In cities of the third clasa.

He is gtrea per rent of all fine a collected la to Poile Court. AO act aboilsbinc the office of Police" Court Prosecutor of third ctaso cities. Cpoo In vital loa; IJeuteoant Governor Miller, of Indiana, addressed the Moose orb-fir. II was pleasantly received, being Introduced by Representative MchLulgbt. House) Committee).

The House Committee oa Keatocky Statute decided this afternoon to report favorably ibe Mitchell bill which prorld that no common carrier or person shall, for hire, carry liquor Into a local option district. The Subcommittee on Immigration and IUht dually paased on th compromise child labor bill and agreed to-day lo report it favorably, Th bearing of the freight rate matters waa continued the Railroad Com- lives of the and N. add tb C- and U. Railroads were the witnesses exsroined Tbe besring will continue over into next week. Kew Hoase Bill.

Tho following new bills were Introduced ia the House: Xe. 40. fcr 9r. BtIsb4 Reoealtiur franckls tas las aa applisd to cue of niat aad eecon e. 41.

bv Mr. Cma Reoniriag every sfer- ator of stesm autnmooiles to n'a eseapstast enlnr s-lik evrrlS-sie. Must say fes sji4 as sIKtasS te ieav aaacnlae stsaaiog oa reet. No. 443.

by Mr. Stesst nrvat chaag of scDoot va s-iiniB 10 years. 43. by Mr. O.abbsr-PrevidlnaT that ssw tnga tlpusj tb prooertv of another per- arm and not reaxrvs wtthis a yar.

saaa bacuma ine poieriy of mat persoe. Vo. 44. by Mr. uorixn-Psrmlttlog etties of tns seentid cises to sppeopriste money for medt eal rteisutmeat of A.

sad al. Coltesw: applies I rsrette cwinijr. No. etio. av Mr.

lekae PrmndlBS eoaaoenaa- epenss petition vi nt property earners ad-1 Jar.ot tner.lo. 4. bv air. atcKnlsht Fixes the lis. of holding courts in Nlnteenth.

Twentieth! snd Tturtr-second Juolclsl No. 4 To. Mr. Ruae.ll Permlttlnr appoint ment of Rued tiuperviaors la asch Maglaiarial LM.trict. No.

TL by Mr. Roasrli disking It impaaslbl. fur statemenla te bs uaeo in civil Sar U'eetioi bear diacuaalon the life iBauraac T-h Hotw defeated It. Adjouraed nt: Uvular WATCHING All the Treasury Leaks. Hnse Camnittee Is tloselr the Expenditures af tbe Variant Departments.

Washington. February Id. In Its preparation of the legislative, ex.ttitlve and Judi cial appropriation bill, the House Commit tee on Appropriations is making a close canvas of the necessity for practically every Item askrd f-r by the varoius depart ments of the Government. In this connec tion an estimate mads by the Librarian of Congress for to erect a separate building: In the court of. the library for a newspaper stack, or the storing, of news papers, caused some Interest.

The committee endeavored to ascertain from Bernard R. Green, ita euntodla.n. the necessity for what was characterised aa large expenditure for the care of the 11 brary. -I To ascertain just how much time Mr. Green gives to the work st the library.

Mr. Tawney asked direct question: I cannot answer except to say that I am employed, ail the time." answered Mr. Green. Mr. Taylor admitted that he was the srehitect eoiployed In the construction of tbe National Musuem building.

for which he received I2.0IW a year extra compensation. Asked If he did work for outside parties in addition to that. Green rrplYed that sometimes he dIJ "when his friends wantfhlm to help them." Just now he was engaged la that capacity with regard to the Raleigh Hotel In this city. He also admitted having assisted In the construction of other buildings, for a compensation. I Comptroller Tracewell.

of the Treasury Department, admitted that officials of th varioua departments are disposed to divert appropriations from the purposes for which they were made and apply them to other. He explained that when errorx of this kind ee.etMwt KttM entfte. rnrMi lo males trans. fers so that the Drooer funds should be applied. When this -was impossible he disallowed the payment, then Congress was called upon to make up a deficiency.

"HoV many clerks In the Treasury Department are detailed for newspaper work? queried Chairman Tawney. of Chief Clerk Ludiow. of the Treasury Department. "We have a clipping bureau that Is alL And there is one clork there and one messenger. I think.

responded Mr. "You are certain there Is only one clerk?" pursued Hr. Tawney -That Is all." "What do they do "They read the nesrsps ri 5 and make Bewspsntyis and clipping that are of interest to the Sec retary, th Assistant Secretaries and th department, so we can keep abreast of th times." "Do not the Secretary and the Assistant Secretaries read the newspapers?" "I don think they have time. I hare never seen the Secretary read a paper." NOTICE TO EKQUTRER AGENTS Do not disappoint toot patrons by not baring cnongh. Enquirera on band to auet th demand Sunday, February IS, containing full account of tbe Xeongwortb-Booaewelt' wedding, a i jsk nan Mejjiecxea to place extra order should immediately can aaa their res pec tire territories and bare extra orders filed at this office not later tban 7 o'clock to-night.

Use wire if necessary. NORWOOD. Kvsry si ta to teriaa r-hurc srsa seruMs sfrsoos whia Psstoe. Kn c. ItoUldlV "ora.

ts. center to ts. sos Male SesKls the eaaket s-ee. TVlhsJl. hr.

N. 1. Srott. WHIla Usereli. Jd Aana McNeill.

C. T. Swoas. tleors. BV r.

Evass as J. M. Oosiber. Th. seeL 1 op-t snth a Brajrer br Rse.

ef tb First M. K. Osrk. B. KOaim was has acts as supply at the tban Uat Rr.

wa. apoae fwtinstie is rfee st-. H. wa. rollows k.

Ret. ltllli. vi KlbblB. President of Lane Besslnser I. Klarkeura.

sr IV lsetos. Kr- 7sr wr friends of th Si nas I ef tri srss.ltns tfcslr vWcss st frequunty Sl fte ssxxkas Mrs. j. Keort aaa 4 Surtaa is. aerrieea Tread wav Hroa.

took the reauins tn th Pennsylvania fltaiWa thev war smtoe4 la ebara. ot Lv. Scvu aad air. beaaaa ta Ur rase a. obis.

Cite fciHeiisr rv rr seelde- a.ntteiy rssrer-oar that as wsuM nut anas tb. miunrttoa suit aaisst th tiU -set aat euf.4. st-(ay. re MateJ If Mrs. slsry as later be I.

ss v4 tbs wvismmi taal ta. is-JIum is eaiUt. that It b. a saet. ttw- Is ur ls.

it ia ifce i-Mtrls. Wsltc.e. ils; livelistaa Kvc.tauaji. stlwcaea lur Mrm. isrtrr. ih. sail. r-arle. s' flaiee r-mws! ivs'l. i.

stiit rwm Jame. i llusalX ST Flint street. CUKSMll. jMxfwtr ta- krsw u. ihe rharae of cMUaibt 1'vrt rViilra luiet t.pej a suss-as.

ir hm. atki it j. ait-se4. rails as asewer. is eaa sill ts mt4 aext Tuesday.

v.Ci who a More la the Pottos -o 9 rl Hi whes arra-ati ss a retlt t.reene CHarC. et SOfl tli. ef J'elr. lraMnn That se sa sites IS is hi -l ptitri.i.1 a ss eba'acte--. a smh as mnrmnrn.

N. lo loves fee h-. an4 h. o. aoi caaia sad aaatt I ta.

surk-beaa tot s0 aa. a. LOOK HERE For Answers th Questions of the Curioua. The growth in popularity of Tn Ex aviBKK column! for the curioua has been great as preclude th posnilliy of answering a (be questions propounded earing i iva areek oa the Saturday foilowina- All quesiiuna arel carefaJly filed, and be ana a ned as jaoon as possible. Tour may be snows; tisose totter Bled.

WuesUou about matters or reneral public interest. OT( 0f a. legal aature. will be answered la Twa laH.T Eirttx' every Sat urday. nd also in! Tub Wuklt Exorixxa.

IJuestioa inrolvliig political religious cuntrorersies wUli-Bot be answered. Jur tion of aa advcrs'iing nature, such aa ak ing of the names of flrma or th reliability of firms, will not be answered Many are sent asking how to sen old or rare articles, such as coins, cer-tincate. tkc. Tb best way to sell anything ia to advertise it tor sale in TBI Esytisxa. Rare coins 0a oUer carioeiucs are bought by deaiera la curiosities.

Persons desiring in forms lion about Civil Service examinations or about how lo get positions tbe lover men service should writ to tbe Civil Service Commission. Wsshington. D. for Information aa to how to Juiri the nsvy wrii to th Navy De mission to-day sud the freight represents- pariment, and to join the sr my write to the War VI asblngton. V.

C. What is the vail of a Iweoty-doltar bill of continental currency printed by Hall Sellsro 17T. With the follorhg Inscrlp-llon: -This bill Entitle the bearer to receive an Spanish milled dollar, or th value thereof in gold sliver, according to a resolution passed! by Congress In Philadelphia, September 5. 177. No.

9-VCJ RCAbCR, Paris. Ky. The Rare Coin Encyclopedia says: "Cnited Stat continents! currency Issued at Philadelphia from 1TJ3 lo 1TWI. In value ranging frm one sixth to total varieties 111, mostly common, worth from Sc to luc." 1. What and where Is tbe Taj Mahal? 2.

What are the five largest skyscrapers In Chicago? 3. I there any pure sThite gmu-It quarried In the I'nlted States, and whM Is the cost per icublc ysrd? 4. What Is ti for the reiara of any drift, boat, or timber I meant by single iax and Income tax IO "WHWT. I No aa l.v Vr Hannah Provldlns a const t-I kji.lj cl tuttoaal smsndmeat to limit lesialsiure to 10 1 1.

The Tal Mahal tgem of buildings I is "ead eu. n- permitting iiia to la-1 celebrated mausoleum which wsa erected a No. 47. bv Mr. lclean Permitting nrth claaa I uj bosh cities to rafund bonded debt to 11.

I tavortt wife, it Is considered one or tn No. 49S. bv Mr. lien JTrnilttmc roads to ne most beautiful buildings In the world. 2.

Masonic Temple. First National Ban Building-. Railway Kxchange. Marquette Building. Monadnock Block.

3. There Is no such thing- as pur white granite. The characteristic colors of "granite are root tied gray or mottled red. The eost of gran ite depends on tbe sire of the blocks In which It Is ausrrted and the amount of X. 472.

bv Mr. Robertann Permitting clerks I it win en tin I. 1 '-m- vi u.U.h un. rreea resolution nro-1 eublc yard. The single tax means a tax Wling for a joint assembly session nest Tue.

I on land alone as distinguished from the lm provemrnts thereon. Income tax means tax levied on each person's salary or in come In proportion to Its sise. On what date, month and year, did Cox Army enter Washington. I. C.T H.

Toungstown. N. Coxey's "Commenweslers" reached Wash ingtoa the last of April. 1994. and on May 1 the army marched to the Capitol to pre- enc Its petition.

How many national holidays are there In the United States J. 8. There are no national holidays in the sense of being- legally established by Con grass for the entire nation, ss this Is matter of state Jurisdiction. In a popular sense the fourth of July, Washington's Birthday and Thanksgiving Day are na tlonai holiday: ll.h 4 recipe a recipe PJease publish for making wood pulp for paper making-. B.

Harrlsburr. Ohio. Wood puIpV'ls' hxade either by grinding the wood OF--fy chemical treatment of wood. It would require too much space to describe tbeae processes, but you can con suit the Encyclopedia Brltannlca or a book on paper making. From what animal I the fitch fur.

which used to be wnrnl a great deal years ago. taken? Mrs. From the fitchew. the polecat. Did Merrick receive as last election as In li? F.L.

S-. West IJberty. Ohio. Herrlck received .73.300 voles In 1W3 and 4.KI.S1T In How can I get nose? Blackheads 'can I J. C.

Findlay. Ohio. commonly known as many votes in rid of blackheads in the J. R. only be got rid of ms nent ly by promoting the general health of the skin.

The treatment ia to wash frequently In tepid water with a pure, mild soap, and once a day giv a vigorous mas- sag to the parts affected, using a good cream Jn the process. I Who were the following characters In Washington Irring'n works: (1) Ichabod Crane, 2) Rip Van Winkle? New Madison, Ohio. 1. Ichabod Crane Is the name of a cred- laus schoolmaster, whose adventures are related lri the "Legend of 81eepy Hollow." 2. Rip Van Wmkle Is the celebrated hero of the story of that name.

remarkable adventures were principally due to a potion he drank which canned him to fall Into a deep sleep1, which lasted 120 years. although It seemed to hira hut one night. What is the' formula for dry powder fire extinguishers? 7 J. M. McConnelsville.

Ohio. Outside of the chemical engine' many so- called fire extinguishers are fakes. If they are really of merit they are closely guarded trade secrets. In hat time I ss II a certain amount double itself al compound interest at 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6 per cent? Rbadkr.

On per cent. In 33.0U3 years: on 3 per cent. In 10.430 year: en 4 per cent. In 17.t7.1 years; on 3 per cent, in 11.207 years; on tl per cent, in lL8tq years. 1.

What day of! th week was June 20, 2. What was date of total eclipse of the sun In ISttt? 3. Who was. the most successful President up to Jackson? 1 N. Carlisle.

Ky. I. Thursdays August 7. In th afternoon. 3.

This Is entirely a matter of opinion, but few Americans would wish to say that any President executed the duties of office more acceptably than Washington. What was tbe and Cincinnati la Cleveland. 3SI. population of Cleveland lauu? What at present? R. W.

8. 88; Cincinnati. XS.KC There has been ho census since ltaa. but the estimated population of Cleveland at present Is 83.Wu and of Cincinnati. i vt nen ana by whom was tne nrt voyage around the world made? r.

The first complete voyage was made by the survivors of the expedition under the rumaiua til in erjeoraiea ojs.njsn navi gator. Magellan. This expedition left Spain in 15191 and consisted of five ships and 3 men. Three of the ships were destroyed and one turned back. Magellan himself was killed In the Philippines In the second year of the voyage, but the ship Victoria.

with Captain Juan Sebastian del Cano and 17 sailors reached Spain in having thus completed the circumnavigation of the globe In about three years. Why wss America so called, and who originated the name? L.C America took Its name from one of the early voyag-era. Jim eric us Vespoclua. It is thought that the one who first suggested the name was a German professor of geog raphy, aldseempeller. in a book printed In 1.VJ7 about America, called "Introduction to Cosmography, with the Four Voyages of AmerKus espucius." a- nut as tne great aeignt ever reached by a halioon? 2.

What the great- eat height reached in mountain climbing-? F. Ia ton. Oiilu. 1. In a Frenchman named Berson made a balloon ascension in which tie de clared he went up 35.M feet, presumably tbe urea test helajfat ever reached by man.

2. The record in mountain climbing i held by aa American. Wm. Hunter Workman, who ascended ISetM feet, August 12. Is a.

a. ibe Himalayas. Plsasat give a thixl aVsriilioa of the Vat- Uao. CiR. C.

Meadvllie. penn. The Vatiuaaii inlace. tbe "clitef mi.len.-e vf tiis rupra siuoe I tie relra from Alg-aoa la 1277. Is a vast vf btilu-hS.

whicn ouuiaina. besides tbe Papal apartments aud the ecsb ofhees. he fatuous muoeiim. archives and Mnrary. The apace occupied is l.UI feet by 757 feet.

There ar over a) stalrmaya. 20 courts aod II.oisj rooms. halH. chspela. c.

1. How ran I find whether a certain de vice- ha been raiented? nlut does It oet to have a dot ice patentei7 "fwst-wjsiat. rVja. fihi.i. Mir i inr I t)f ITtt W.i! each original application for a patent a fee of (13 muat be paid.

On issuing each orig inal patent the fee la fM. As to fees in cases of designs. Ac. write to the Commissioner of tbe Patent Office. Please tell me hots to kill out a patrti of horse-radish.

M. U. DeGraff. Ohio. I Dig Lap SU the fibrous roots.

What is the best method to develop a good mflk row. to milk her op to the time she becomes fresh or to stop some lime before? "CM. Wm. Allow her to go dry from four to six weks before becoming- frtah. 1.

Do trees grow tn the winter? 2. Doe the white thorn bear the red or black haws or both? 3. Is there sny kind of a small X-ray Instrument on the market that could be used by amateurs? G. D. W.

Brooksburg. Ind. Strictly speaking: trees csnnoi be said to grow in winter, as to grow means to Increase In slxe. The tree is still alive, of course, but the activlilea of life are dormant. -2.

Both. 3. The X-ray Instrument is a delicate and cannot be handled to advantage except by one who has been trained to its use. Please give me a recipe for keeping po tatoes from sprouting. W.

G. M. Put them in a cellar where tbe tempera ture ranges from 46 to 30 decrees. NEWS OF THE COURTS. A' Jury In Judge Murphy's court yester day returned a verdict for damages against the Cincinnati Traction Company In favor of Maggie Durach.

whose hus band. Michael Durach. was killed at the I Brighton car barns In February, 19(13. Durach. who was a conductor, was caught between two cant while running his car into the barn.

He left a widow and one child. D. V. Stuphin and W. A.

DeCamp represented the plaintiff and K. G. Kin- kead the Traction Company. i Bigane Arrested. County Detective George Ryan yesterday arrested James Blgane.

Indicted fur I falsely registering In Precinct of the Sixth Ward. Bigane has been out of thei city, but recently returned and went to work for an express company. He is a brother of John Bigane, recently appointed to a position In the waterworks. His brother. William Bigane.

algned his bond. Sued Brother-ln-Law. Before a Jury In Judge Murphy's court John lVurtj Is suing his brother-in-law. Jackson Helsel. for SZOtai damages because he latter shot him.

Both men are ex pressmen and tbe shooting- grew out of a fight between tbe men at the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. M. C. I.ykins represents W'urts and Michael Hcintx the defendant. Found For Defendant.

hie. For 13 years she has supported her self and son. and now she seeks a divorce. S. Adams, attorney.

Wm. H. Smith names Wes snd barges willful absence in his suit for di vorce from Alve L. B. Smith, whom he married January 21.

HUH. L. Beatty. Suit for divorce was filed yesterday by Maude Wagner Turner against Joseph A. Turner, former Assistant Clerk of the old Board of Public Service.

The marriage took place at Chattanooga. September 2. 1901. and no children were born. Mrs.

Turner, who waa Maude Wagner, of this city. charges her husband with failure to pro- Probate Court Filings. The will of Dr. Henry T. Uraiiam.

died avt Wtnton Place a few days ago. leaves his estate to his cousins, Helen L. and Alice. W. Pohlmah.

The estate is to be held in trust for them until they are each 23 years of age. George W. Poblman. their father, is made ex ecutor of the estate and their gruardian- Tbe estate Is believed to be considerable. Elizabeth Sander's will leave her entire estate to ber daughter.

Louise Clara Sander, to be held In trust for her until she Is 1 years of age. Louisa llutca is named a executor, and ber husband. Edward Buach, guardian of the daughter. The es tate is nut estimated. By the will of Margaret M- Caiu her en- New tirs estate ges ut her busuaud.

Tliuuiaajut tu t.J Cilu. fur jlfe. At hi. death it gic to the son. Mark ii.

J. and John J. Cain. The hujlti is tuutnl .1 There is no esUmate of tas The estate of 1st Cbas T. CuKen.

son of Manager Tf J. Cuilea. -of the Burnet Hnut. is estimated at S7: itt i-ersnaltv. The father made application to administer the estate.

Probate Jtidce MaHrorr yerrsr arsnt- et sn oolev Vena Veetemr a OSes, Wajiufla-'On. U. 2. cumprwuua her cUiai asaiaat the Ciaclo- Mr ID. L.

Douglas makt and rlls an ere mtm'tl fsO Aoers At amjothrmm. ufaeturer in th tvoricL L7SwStre pv thai 7 Vi All UATHERS, Aa STYLES, OXE PgX3.30 If I could tate you into niy three larjre factories! at Brockton, and show you the infinite care with which every pair of shoes Is made, you would realize why W. L. Douglas $350 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their shape. lit Detter, wear longer, and are of trreater intnn sic value than any other market to-day.

$3.50 shoe on the EQUAL TO $3.00 AND tS.OO SHOES. as sera U). Dmrl" S3. so a- ye a sjr owwre. aa? ftf cssafse ssaf aTseosMlr.

rlle a aatarsaatea'. fmmmat tas osmaii S.OO mmat a.oo srods ttat Asm terete sro." M. POTTS. Pro. vScaa Rsissesssg- Co.

COYS SHOES, $2 AO AKD St. 75. acisf tho ianw as my mwtm S3mJSO ho? thm Mm iomtHmn. for S2MO mnd $1.75. CAUTIOX.

Non irenuin without W. 1. ponftas nam and prio stampsal on botunn. Take no substitsto. Sold in W.

ll IXourlaa sbo tore tm the principal cities, and by th best shoe dealer everywhere. rvTOTI C3UGLAS CINCINNATI STCaE: hlJeTi-1 22 East Fifth Street. fill Cheap if vuolM- foraia I if 11 19 -fl rr. i a Sr. TtiU I I il Similar reduction (rone all points ia I 1 Feb.

15 to April 7 One-way tickets. fnoA in Cnair Cars or Pullman Tourist Sleepers. The Rock island eKers taeougk sorvic dairy over two good routes-e. 14 Ssalhtra, via El Paao through N'ew Mexico fastest time of mwf line. Scenic, via 'Colorado tbrou gli Salt i Lake City.

Lilecature ami foil iaformatiea from H. I. McGrntc. District Passerurar Agent. 38 E.

th Cincinnati. O. natl Tractioq Company for tb death of her husband. Henry J. Westendorf.

for Attorneys Horstman at Horstman represented tb widow, Kg-jludge Ellis B. Gregg Is named ex- Judxe Hosea yesterday Instructed his Jury iccutoi- of the 2.30u estate of Matilda Iual. to find a verdict for the defendant la the f1 JeUruary 12, uit ot Herman J. Sands, a minor, against he, Betts Street Furniture Company for damages because of the' loss of a finger In a cog wheel. Contributory negligence wa shown.

Daily DiToree. Doings. Married in March. 1889. Klizabelh and harlcs William layer lived together until December.

lArJ. when she left him. because of his drinking, cruelty and failure to pro- Theii report of Trustee C. C. Rlchardsonr of th money In his possession belonging; to theJfb Nash estate, shows $141.

OW. all Irt-vesieii in good securities, save some 700 In cajfh. The distribution of the estate is lielagj delayed because of a question as to the pnntructlon of the will, upon a point relating to future heirs that msy be born. W. H.

Ctunpbcll in esecuior of the i4.4UO estate left by his wife, aiarthaB. amp- bell, who died February W. el An iiven tory of the estate of- the late Herman 11. Huenefeld shows cash and bomH amounting-, to while debts duel the estate amount to 147 74. Will Tile Corat.

Affidavit. AiCdavit have been prepared to ohTse those filed by the Prosecuting- Attorney In support of his motion for a change of venue in esse of Fred Oelger, charged wit the murder ot bis wire' Ada. Toe affidavits, as prepared by Shay Cogsd for the defendants, were made by number of persons. They will set forth that the igfeat number of persons summoned as Juror was due to the excuse of men, for vwe; that ne na neg-jectea ner lor thejcu4. mnd because they did not believe In company 01 oiner women, ana who will-1 eaptal punishment.

They will also assert fully absenting- himself from home for three thaj ihe accused has exhausted his mesns weeks while she was ill in Lecember. 1W4. JhL former trials and Is now Indlsrent She further charges that she was compelled no means with which to pay the to secure employment at various times expenses of witnesses to another county during their married life, although her husband was amply able-to care for her. and that she was compelled to live with her mother much of their married life. Sbe a a as to be restored to her maiden name.

J. Curt a. attorney. Last November Frank M. Rail secured a divorce from Or A.

Rail. Tbe case was heard before Judge 8. n. Smith as an un contested one. and it was stated that Mrs.

Rail had left her husband. Before tbe divorce decree was put on, Attorneys Dennis Cash and J. Dorger presented evidence to tbe Court that Mrs. Rail was living; In California, where her husband had left her. allegedly, destitute.

The decree had not been entered and was Immedlately set aside and the case reopened. Yesterday there came a sequel to it when-Attorney-Cash applied to Judge Caldwell, now sitting In the Lnvorce Court, for alimony pendente lite and for expenses to bring- Mrs. Rail to this city to testify in the case. Rail ia employed by th Baldwin Piano Company. The case was continued for one week.

Mr. Cash declared that If' the husband is not made to put up the money his wife will be brought here anyway to -testify against hum. or pny his counsel's expenses In such a pro- On these the demand for a chance of venue wilf be resisted. The motion is to be heard to-day by Judge Pfleger. HUTTED STATES COURTS.

The celebrated case of the city of Cleveland. Ohio, againat several railroads. In which it Is sought to' eject the latter and which! the Court of Appeals recently decided lagainat the city, will likely come up again at the June session of Court Instead of at the one next month. The Appellate Court! has Just found a recent decision bathe Federal Supreme Court on the matter oC-Jsrtsdiction which It Is thought will hav a bearing on the case and wblch may throw It back into the State Court whence it originated. The motion to continue tbe case until 4he June session wss signed yesterday ana jilDiniuru.

A Irrjotio A motion to Dxing the bond pending an apnea in the case of Edward FUckinger vs. Slates was heard yesterday tn the Appellate Court. FUckinger, who lived I in Cleveland. fias been adjudged bankrupt tnrougtt involuntary proceedings brought against him. and later he was con victed for having: looted a national bank.

11 is In tbe Court below pending an appeal was fixed at and the Court of Ai'peals was asked to reduce it, but re fused do so. Alenxo W. Stover, an architect, of Day toa. hio. jesterday filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition tn the Iitrtrt Court.

HI liabilities ar given at 78. of which nearly two thirds is due for money borrowed. There are 00 assets. Liu bill A of exceouons in the case of Boy-. fjr-o.

I Trustee in the Hsizmaa A Co. bankrupt! W. J. O'LseU. was filed yesterday by the defendant.

This ts with ref. ereru to the decisiuo O'Tiell in hfs Hebt fur Iruni the sale of a ork rl l. ieaL An appeal be taken to Hit. Coiitt of Appeals. DEFACED The residents (if ilarru-on HDI.

three mile south seal of Harrison, are up In arm ever tbe I action of vandals Iu defacing the grariestonea la the cemetery wblch adjoins the h'ttle German Protestant Church. The were safTeligtous In their oie eraih, a 'id as e-er one in I he vfcinlty ha ne or more rlative btirieil la tn naiiero- ther'bave srmed tbetusest- with shotguns and mill re. vtigeiut upon th (houla thejr arc caubr A BSTK ACT. TiTI.I INSl HIWK. 1 Intelligence appeals to good taste.



ARTIFICIAL IJMBA. Cia. ArtiScial Usb Cor. ftth and Plum. ArTOMOtJlLKS Queen City A a to.

-Co. marc let aad At MrMlck.n Ave. MA MLS, FRASKLIX BANK. 122-K4 IC. Third Stre.t.


JOHN, aad II Wasl Fifth Street. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES sad Mspslles. Brunawlck-Balke-t'ollender 13n-2 K. Blath. National Billiard Mfg.


C. "20 E. Sth. Phon Canal 1S17 X. CH CRCH.

OPERA A SCHOOL FCRMTt'EE. Cincinnati Seatinr Sixth and Viae CLEANING AND DTF.INO. BKCKRR-8. It.venth A Vtns. S7J MrMtllaa.

13 B. Blath. I'hon. Mala 4577. CLOTHINO.

XRMIIING AND HAT. BrownlBs-KInc Vf. Cor. 6th and Race ELECTRIC LAMPS) AND HOUR. Bell-Smith Factor Suoollea 717 Mala St.

FLORIST. Pit Julius 13A-40 V. 4th. Pbotis Main 473. OKA R.

FRKO Ills Vina. Tel. I'anal 27V. KtKlnlph. Mas a II IZth.

T.l. Canal 97. bunderbrucb'a bona. SS3 W. 4th.


Heron A Co 721-23 Central ar. Tel. Canal FILTERS. BOW UKN HTGCI A FILTER Til Rae gt. CLAMH AND MIRROR WORKS.

Que en City Olaaa 120 Longworta Street. HARNEM AND IIORE EqtTPMENTa. WOLf EFER. P33 Central Itmur HORSES AND MIXES. rOX A JEWELL SlSS-SISaSprln Orovs A.

COMPROMISED Was Suit, and Opposing- IVi tig-ants Arc Satisfled. The difrerences bet ween Paul T. Wayne. the manager of a leal piano manufacturing concern, and Mrs John Robinson, th wife of tbe circus man. arising- over th possession of a pony cart, were adjusted yesterday.

In the irtt tried by Magistrate Armstrong- Thursday night Mrs Robinson was given Judgment for the value of tbe goods, amounting to $37 SO. She was not givei possession of hem. Mr. Wayne In Ibe meantime had transferred th title to tbe cart and ham to hla wife and atie replevlned the eart. Ac from the Con stables before Squire Cordes.

Mrs. Wayne also brous-hr suit for I3U0. dam ages. Rather than tarrv tb case higher Mrs. Robinson compromised.

Both litigants paid an equal share of the costs and Mr. Robinson -received the original amount tendered her. htch was vzi Mr. waynesald yes terday "Tub EMqrtRKR did me an in justice yesterday. Buob SV-heu, Mrs.

Robinson's agents, wanted for tbe cart. harness. Ac. I telephoned to Mrs. Robin son and she aald I could have tbe lot for 50.

Buob A Scheu demanded lo for storage and this amount was I sent Mrs. Robinson her check for I'-T 5tl. There was no misrepresentation. $sw Tips Do not start a. card Index or vertical dinar system -with supplies having eiifcTht artationsj in size from the standard as ariren In our If you will possibly pay two prices and be under obiiarationa to purchase from one source, whereas this come -pany sells standard size on a strictly commtsrclal and you get tiem most any placw on the brio be.

3ht Slot-Vrnickc Ci 418 Main Street. HOTELS. SI 8.95 1 5.75 SI 5.00 S25.25 527.95 S3 1.35 S33.60 S41.35 S57.05 Eowaltr lsw rote 4 other sdta Kssth. sstbwis aad Wea. Tlrheta ss aal.

seta, aarra xa a as zvts. ptiTism seiara uasit ii sat. VERY LOW ONE-WAY RATES FED. 20, MARCH 6 AND 20. Kasad-trtsi tsefcsts ss sals DAILY ts sslats Sssth aad smIssmi isrla4ia CALIFORNIA, CUDA AND HOT SPRINGS, ARK.

WITH LOXO MJCTI BM LIMIT. TH OM.T LINK soeeatisar rsrsjaalry C. asset ed Tsarist gisrslss tar. nail to Law Aaa.l.s and bss Imatsss wltfeaw basse. farlewlarw 43S Vis a.

isrsw Arswde). se slss btallsa. sr afare. JOICPU BIUC IV. P.


EAR TWVWrtn. WOCHIR, MAX A BOX'. 4-2 W. Bisth t. IIOTI.IN.

A LM Walnut Hill, i HI It MKT lint UK Thlt.l I'ENMHON. Klfth and M. I ltONINil. Mn. 1 1 MARTIN'S na? M.lnul Ml NRO tth St Vlti PA1.ACK Vine.

VHIKCKTriN Kim 8TERIJNO tttta and IKMIIIMi ill Ohts Mutual Life In. M. "Th Voting M.n'a Hawns. I LAI MiKILn avow rr.AKR l.Ai'Kurtr Wblt. Cluud.

tn. iJ VT v-ti LAW AMI tOI IIIIHlM Th Banded Ad I. n. l'o I PICTf ti oil l- TV I I -l t. ift ua LEATHER AMI Mllll l.Hii OrtAEFB.

WOPT f4.S ltr s-r. LII.HTMMi ttoli. fOT K. A CO. 1:1.1,1 RKGA H.

JOHN O. s.ii.,' I MILLINERS. Purnaaus A Hosfl. IIS IV. 41, Bar Opt.

So Aread. K- otto co. PIAMW. Woodmasase. The to' u.

Co ft 'V I'' 7 A t. in nr.H a. wa rtai RP.PRIfiKR ATORM, at Al. AMI THI I HOWE ttCAl.K CO. TIIK rjc.

ls ROOT PAINT lAafl All.n Antl-Hast Mrs 4-. 1 DAM Mt'RPIir. S4I.MI". MA MACK SltMMITIKIK- nt'HCif n. tvi.

ii HEKIHl AMI Ml A. Jr. TALRINti MACHINLn. Hi OKI'- 4' CHAg. r.

RRRVK. 5S, TKlWMINOa. I.A( Kit AMI Ml 1 HOKratKIDTKK. The A V. c.

1 TRtSHKS. ELASTIC IIOsirMl. HHtil" Autenrieth. W'tn. R'orher.

Mas Kn v- Hammond r-rp 3 Tsrlir I rMIORMD. tA.K.l PettlboB. Bros. Mis. r'' HllM.fa vTABMINt.

NfHIM l'lt 1 AMERICAN alKO. to ki.n 1 WINE. IJ4JIORM AM 4H.H. Th Lsbotd A Wewburah CHEAP RATES -VIA- BMr'FOUR -TO CALIFORIIIA POINTS AND THE K.t TJORTHWEST Oa aal Ially Peb. IS Is s'" VIA Chicago or St.

Louis fse aMsrtlewlarr see se write C. KROTZKMSKROKR. V. I' Fswrlb mm alar, dart sail. LCOAL XOTK K.

Cowrt -f I'l'in-i I'leas Uaml Ohio Xo. Jamea mlnisrmtor oe boot, aoa a-lth aeses of fh es'at. of alsernoa- aorrsso. nialnttff. va.

Aulurta al-. defa4aat. la sorsuases of sa oM.r sf is salo tags. I wtil offer a oet urn on Saturday th. 17th i Ileal, at II o'clock a upon h. -r" free aoa clear of anr ana an or all Iks oartlea her. In ih, serteeo real eualo. tt all 111- If p-'. rt I ereoa loeluoiss a boiler er s-rl lures, aiiuars ta srinld 1nml u. Mton 'oust) etalawrf tto to All trial mrt n.l In Hee'-nr- Ti emit.

Ran. I at bestrisin at a soint la tsent.i. anj I'Sl foi 1I I21 Ui nur- ts southeast corner er salrl sertloa sort 2 east silh sol seetlon l.o. 41 te ts tb rititr eore.r of a tract Sv A roa'ee. per ra'cuinr.

to I. A br dead reeorlsr la Hero B.e.l i7 ac. Hamilton, Uttin. tes. tb ha.

of eslrl tract seat ll4 l' tbeneo ttoetb 4 WIIH" tbeae. sorth 1 1 We.r 7l--r theses aonlt seat fet ts aorta its. ef IS. K.oter l.eru: ll, t' Sold sort It Ittl. sosls 7 to' seet 4 feet lo toe ort lit.

Vf so Ul lM Hull IM sltti tli. sth I -V it2-H aa eou'B 10 feof so.a re. I i.l I HMIS f'el soraer of art fe flmi suuilisssl cornor of s.M Kulr tairo slti th. oral tt tllie of sajn. norm T' SSrvT7-lou feet to tb star of.

rosialolii Is. i4-eu sere. Bstil nrrrwertr -Is assralotrl at Yirs rf isill. saims tair.i tb oal.aee Is o.r. Sao too e.ur.

1 s.r ne.r on O.e i.l-i-h sn.m.ourr rwrie. iBi.ri ar "I- rale of or aSiMim. Wa.rl SMtrleet to III ronSrtr. I ef H. -irw JAM KM MRU" PICK nT.At II MOTEL rista IIsm -tv.

laa I AiniHlairaisf Am Iwmia mmn ai'h h- Jl 3 1 I Jn (BetlO GraejaA A I 4-f 1a)1 of AlfftVl f. l'Vtt R4ar. anlril fei agrfsr-t tMO.NIss A a ss(i rtt ri.ii4 airt'ttvs- spm Hrr i TV rrn-ii, Al tx fvutlw Writ tor luu trt4 tvt.

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