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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 19

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 19

Cincinnati, Ohio
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9- tt. THE ENQUIRER, CINCTATL SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1892 EX -FOUR PAGES, 19 jurxTTinffxrwTs. -4 tr. vn ill ikibi t- fl 5 cept. is jSstra-; I lAIIAtaW MMMM a.

-at bint lace. Pally. ffiflint "iVS HUlll UilUUIUIUll, 0 -niramilrT rmWi4V.t5R Cemlnff 3Text Week, ETAIaEEX, TIIE WATIR QUICK. W.fcK. I ONE' WEEK, COMMENCING, TO-DAY; HENRY BERG3IAN AND ORIGIN AL NEW YORK COMPANY INSE.

VARNEY'S PRODUCTION, Hiiilii: THE Gl AiEliQCiE ('' EVERY NIGHT THIS rr rv opera All the Week Mtineto Wednesday and thebccces3 op iix cocxTniEst Price SISo to $1.60. GRAND THE PIKE OPERA-HOUSE. LOBBY CHATTER. In "A impfrinct Town" Author Hort inn ir famooa "Jonea" faratlr to ea trrttaa axtaat a ha loa tha Prohibition I'M. WhatlaUia troubla with Chajlayaad tli Jourw1 On of the erattltat.

cUanaat 1U of char-tow ictim 1 beva Man in vaara la dona In "A T-mptfranca Town" by Gcoraa Obar. as OiaTneia Jaw. awa ia aa actor of lone tiftfiimc. but baa aavar aaaaaatf to ba at th boot. Hla Uaala Joe will eeuaa man-Mn to look hia war.

Al Field, wha haa hla rointtral abow at tba ike. Iionaot tba clavcrralof clTr d1 bat tbooaaaea of frlanda ail ofar tba (ounirjr. Brfnro tba waak 1a orar tba bora wilt ba ikiDi: Uava rou bean te Helrettr It Ii probable that Lew Wlawell'a Koa4 looking teo tha ladiaa ter) phlt will bo aaen ia tbf boi-ufflee window of tba new toater vn Waluat atrea. Law will etaka triaada lor ih new bouae. Hotaa of the prate asenta.

In their deiper-i aim to act in work, aend In a lot of rut bout tea aoeial itandtn of their ra-tpretiTe liars. Tbat'a ail boab. boTa. Ita ealr when an act-eta or actor haa acblered woDd.rfal luacaaa on the atase that aooietr mocaisn ber or him. and at that point of Ik gam the aotra'aa or actor bai good ree-na to care vary little about aocirtr and bar him-.

Ita onlT the email fry of tha ro-lotaiun Uiat chaia after a aoeial aiaudine. If rou want to cot your money'e worth this In "Mlea Helyeit." Take my word lor it. it's a food play, prtaented by soed aiayan. it Yoo ramembar tba little aawed-off tenor with rMti whan ahe lalt na la If Ho waa th akow and Vatli waen't in it. A cood niaor competent to indta pronounced bin tiie bat tenor they aver beard.

Last waak Pr-ndent Star onaaaed bim to ainc at two of tba Sunday ayealne concerta at Moslo ll-il tha nomine winter. Tba beat are not too good for President urn i Aa adranca acant called on ma lait wek and told me that ha waa nut jroiac to tall ma urthttu- about bia ahow. aa ba knew auoh tbmg- wcra a bora, and then ha turned in and for two hour talked of nolbinf alaa ax-ctDtbiaihow. Lottie Otlaon. who will ba at Harria tbia week, la tha beat aario-eomio vocaliat of the day.

She haan't a wonderful Toica. bnt baa a catchy ityla that wins bar audience amy time. HI oca John Bern, of the People'! that lonte out on big flthlne trip, ha driaka othin troncer than canal water. Punch Wheeler was in Hayannah. 0a last and tha Nawaxof tbat oity.

bad this te me aid vet: WbHlir la oaaof the bnt of hie army of adrance aaraeta. end probably the moat taodeat in tha whal. laL be Ig hla modeetf tbat'aaa kept him down. Ha ia a fellow eosa-astm hia irionic ability of a type rarely eeee these aara. bat bera ho Is.

wa-tia hia boo mi a aomobody alaaa ahow. rtr rears sro his nam waa ea ev-ry bndy a lip. a waa the James uwn Connor af that decade, aad, with i ibajrer. new wltb Use ttaolaDati Xa-oriaam. made a wratraatad anJ anmavhat di'Usotvd tear af the eon tinea t.

Jake Reeaa-tbai waa bosinaaa maaaaer for the aaiwbina-t'O'i. which exoialaa the mystery of the diaasoad that he wears. It waa aa --saea anal of the Wheelae-Therer acara- nuon af arUaas that Will MaOeanalt to lie. Tha tratb eaulda't do tbeaa 'iow, jaatiea." 1 Wheeler alan UrmnrA mtm'm the effect that lUt adrytnaa la Baranaab Mt hi, wnoU UpBary m4 araahinc SallUaa. aad tha Oarmaa Minstrels, who ra d.aUne wish kiss, bad te aeaaar ua wrs in tba first pare A friend writee follows I would like "Mktast tha followtne same lot Jim fee-Usaotta flab eoadt Charaoecaaae- -aaaauraasmcuaganiaua.

A friend writes me that he mat poor Max "MM tta mm-i DKii.j.i.m. la aa ha to utaliy blled. When Max waa waa was talkies te him the veer fellow -e heart wooM eraak. 11'. i abort TT- the artee Tariety hsUa ef HEUCK'S J- srt yaaUrday ahe waa eee ef THE ACCOMPLISHED ACTRESS, JjJj kind.

Tbia com peay baa been seen be fore ia Ctnciaaatt end ahetr former asv- rementa bare always txen aocceaafoi one, fh proeramm produced this aeasen said to outshine in spj.ndorand licence, aa wall as in excellence of tha com pany, .11 previous enorta tha manaaa-meat. Meesr. Kti-e and Harton. anil many fatnra are intrMueed beratotore eekaown lb vauaevill staa. A strns olio will be in trod need between ft rat and aeeond i tba barlesotie.

followins well-known seacialtv ac paartnai icaane bartua.l arr and Crawford and Uomri, alien and Duaa. Clayrna and Praaeoti. Miae Frankia fiainae aad Miss dwlaa. -HTS3 HELYETT." Tbia moeb-taikvd-of elar will ba vresanted attbetiraod te-morrow evaaina by Charlee Frohmaa'a celebrated comedy company. 'Mia Hallvat la tha ana dUtiartl.a tin.

elty of tbia season. It baa ben phenomenally succemafnl in franco. Enelant Utlaiaiu. (rmnriad Rnasia. 'rha American by that adroit and dramatist.

Itavid BalaaaM. ran for 150 nights at tha tttar and standard '1 heaters. New York, fifty meats at tea Moiii-trrt. lvston. and tea weeks dnrin tn paat au aimer at the Columbia I h.ater.

t'hicaa iam Kmllhtnn I. a an. Ink littla Quakeraa.arav4ina with iter father on the 'Danish side of tba Pyrns. he tumbl.e dawn tit mouutain while climbina unattended, and le rescued by an unknown preserver, whom she doea not sea. a woo doea not sea tier features.

hie1en as they are in bercleak. It is ner search for this man of tha nionntain." whom sba believes it ner duty to find and wed. which causea the up roaneualy lunny eompltcaiiona which fol- For the Interpretation of "Mies Helyett" whiob la undr tne direction of Mr. ii D. lrica.

tba eriatnal New. York cani will ea aa-ployed. tinaludes such ezceilact ftinMi am aad singers as Mark Smitb. for SOJ nifhta "hrminie;" J.W. Herbert: lieorae Lyeing.

tenor: It A. March. N. hornham. Kdtar Kly.

ecoaptrlo dancer: Kate lavis Bostwn-iait. vbota tre New York inn calls "a Francis Uiinen in waiticoata: Nina Hrr-Uni., formerly wltb Braraa Abbott and the Naiienai Opera Campany. Nanetio Laaceilea. Lotta Niool.

Mabel Le Claire. Julie Raymond. Core Doane. Iwllth Tboraa and a evntineeat of remarkably pretty roans woman: and Loaise l.eahe-arut, who ia pleasantly remembered front last season lor her excellent comedy work, and wboee personation of tbe demure littla Ouakeres. haa lieea recognised everywhere as moot admirable and artistic, 'I her will ba an enlaraed orchestra, and tba Beautiful ace nary and picturesque evaluating of the orieinal production.

A PSIMA DOSHA WHO EATS. Beaetiisil Katherlne Germalne Bay Sbe Baa as Appetite, and Is Proud It. The Pike Opera House will pe tbe regu lar season Monday evanlnst. September 98. wltb tba Katharine Germaine Comie Opera Company in the Pasha." to be followed the latter part of the weak witb "A morita.

Miss-Catbarlo Germaine is the brilliant particular star to brighten the Pik next week in aid Pasha" anoT Viisa leriuaiue ia ihorouahly American. A Wash- Instnn atrl. roston and stii'tn taiigbt. and mat is au ana tt ta on ita sumcisnt. Mia is but 22 years of as, and la her aiaatcea weeks stas life has achieved a' phenomenal suo- A rival to f.llllan Rnself ia grace, beauty.

exquisite taste ti drau, ahe mar prove au leol a rtvw.1 aa a popular i.vorna. Miss Germain is a most perfeot bloade. ant not one of thos. Women who eat daiatv bird-like morsels," she said. I have great apprtit.

lies promtoiy ray sreetest talent, and I tin nut ashamed but vary proud the faat." sl. af referred seat, will open at the Jho Chureb Company. ItiursJar. aptamber 39. AL 0.

FIELD'a ltTJSTBILS. This fine bead.eeeaed- at the Pike laat eveninc A notice ef the proarramme will be found ta eur local rolemas. The cinea their Visit with their entertainment of tbis even ing, aed. a nilnatreity it a favorite wiia eer amsment aoars. the, haedeome rike will ee oeuet be pecked.

HETJCX7S. I'': Thia afternoon and this house. Miss riile Akeratrom, aa accomplished little eat eee. will make -her first apeeeraaee thia city In ber ta coraedy drama. "Viae Roarer." eeem-lr ie wbiab she baa tua.ta a hie bit in tbe Ka.tern eiite-.

Tba ato-rr el tbe play la: A Tua rammer, wioower. bavlna uarrl4 with his father. wealthy old eiicar-blanter. leaves hm with bia infant da-jehter. wax a brat Calk lorn i a antt thence by eaach te Arlstnia.

Kn reuie the caach ia aitarkad Indisaa. All are killed nn thecnild. who i left stunned her de rMlrer'e biy, ext merema tweold miners Bnd tbe child. K. rvsenaa her arms to

ealline each "daddy." which so deliehta tbem teat they deeula tn keep ber. Frem papers leuttd on the deed bady ef th father tbey leara teat ber Pamela Aurora rUeetburn. A tneopemaeot the play the girl it years old. and know aa "Liiile Koarar. ae aobreviaiMin nt ber asm.

Aurors. Sba bas tiuva ne like a Iraatiar bar. A sninister (ha ehaecatl So aoiaa i.t tba mHves tells tbe mia.ra tber are wronain the airl keeetna her there in b- seurnrsn i adv-ea taetn te ascertain if aha Ml.tivea. Tnev at laat due-over her and lather. TbeoM man thea aarsuedea "Raarar" I to aad ba asarakn.

Uaatr Craadtaiher's p'aniatiee aha create ewaat.r- ri.iloo by her Wetiern xprwtiB. atid horarmanship. but ber clad heart wiea all eiceottwo the ai-aa eaebew woe were hia beira before tbe airl waa feand. Tbey attempt to kill the graadfaioer before he rati ckaae bia will, but in ail taeir villaiey they sr. foill.

liinnt te raveoare v-a EEnn b.r. tbey wfuraa Vicious aora. eaactiy K. -K. ar.r pet hers.

by a villeiaous stabla-bov. ehaneaihe borers In tne (tails Jiiil be'or a 'at fox bunt, baplns that to deospuoa. ui nil be oiecevered 111 WEEK Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, Comedy hcuse I CJTroratlo ONE WEEK. SEPTEMBER MONDAY, SEPTEMBER -26, IfilflC Ff fl REOPENING OF SEASON! A Mall hkltik OPEIA- HOUSE. GsQsral Adislssloa, 25c THIS AFTEHNOON, EVENING-WEEK.

the rcltmiaa qnaees ef tha alae. Minale la climbins tbe ladder the trroog way. Lillian Rugaell'a prase beset says bar salary ayerarea about SLSOO a weak, Doea aha give any ef It to the aaeetf Nat Coedwin' haa fooad a new play tbat fits him like a sieve. It is eajled A Gilded Keol." and tt BlTaa Nat a foul opportunity to display hla troadarful taleata asaoome-dlaa. The newt theater a Walnat'streat la about finished, and I am aerry for the reason tbat it will lose to ua a mUhty oleyar reatlemaa.

Contractor Charley Smith, who baa made many warm fiend dorlns hia sejoara amonaoa. -A A ballet airl lirea foroser. Like a mule. she nam dies, ttat the eventce life ef a chorus sir! ia only five years. Tha awful strain ea her mouth la what shortens bar ca reer on earth.

Tbe band leader. Pat Oilmora. ia a veteran: but I don't believe tbe story that Pat bed his b'iod at tha wetar's edge play in the "Aavll Cborua" tbe day Columbus Umded. Bom of thai airla ia tbe. May Ruaseli abow are pretty fat and their appearance ia tiehta cansed Bob Man roe to remark that they ouaht to wear ooracta oa thair eaires.

Circus rati aad era erowd- Ins the real actors off the staaa. But yoe have set to pleas tha pabUc, you kaow. At last we have soma rood news from Fay Templeteo. She ia ia far ia aed says ahe ds soma to atay there, Only nineteen operas have beaa written about Christopher Columbus up te date. But thee adt all tike book districts have boas, heard iron.

Good ertetins ee the. walla baa carried snany a poor show to nnaacisuauocoaav When all the theaters tt down to baslaesa It will be nothins to. set a solid sold watch with each admissioe ticket. How Ions is it veins to take to educate act or Into a kbewledse 41 the fact tbat a "run in New York deea set kelp askew one cent's worth In the West? Aa Taaaa "THE VEnDETTA" AT HATLIH'S. JlaBlgtr hSIUB yiu prawni iv an raicvni j.

A k.l.nM af tha WFWf M. mm -m Varney. Jr. Vendetta." which wiU be predueed by tbe same excel- eat eompenr Uiat reentad It daring the errst, Now Xrk- r- ery Brsaie, wb wm oe raroento tne Italian Atuba-sader in aeneara 1 W. H.

tn ttel advaetase as Ricardo. the Iralinn acnloior. aiterward Known rriior ro. t.aitr bis renar.kable talent. laaswraMnation tK sMsh-eaaakin lial-lan has won hire a National repntatian.

Ha 'hoaen. frre 'the vary- Mstaeos rank wan UDUvrt.wi vp A BltriCIB mK mrnm iw-u li let fulfill rf biat-na a m4 raada hv tbe aataar. Wun this atrone drama h.a i a. "OTJE IEI3H YISITOES" AT HAJLSI3. Tha attractloft aaeoeaead at Harris for the week bet'inatus this afternoon ia "Oar Irlah Vlaitorm." a ply made fameea by Murray and Merpby.

Few musical earned lea have pWajMVt tha rnbH darin; tha paat eight years eawrUaath.s cjevor mn. a.r. Our lri isitoraT has all- r-rtaed to alt taia Rr aad Loiti weak, will daily suauee-s. nOI-S THXATE2L i The Roee Hill Ena.iab Folly Oompeay will be tbe ertractioe the Paepla'e Theater thia wk -eoreueocln with saeUeae to-day. Thlscempaay present a new aad attractive precramste of Ua burUaau aad specialty i aa ill le ba rofwarttabl one.

A tan. natural melodranja haa news baoit written, tha eiet le eoniulei. waven by a master hn1, lis story is tap heart inteea.t. Navrr fore niaiuent ta mat Interest brikn or laj lle eoiweay hi.ars te tha olot and Mi" In an eear. aracafel snaesi.r thaa leasee it ail, tu-re an aeloyabl.

bry part tle east tw character with i anraoe. Every, eharaetar ia.atroaa. end every part ie playl by aa artist thor. i a 1 fa I erneta aA-eeaa. at am, a rm'.

lor tie oampl.taoaaa detail, lb aaviliaion. oi pean viia In Act IV. la aid ta oat of tea m-t rraark-Ibl epoea- known te eiaee ereft. M-h Znterertaa darva reward, liavliu a wlUdo a his tlrn. ro era narrlai niUaraVotb" Uc.T fv.ri "thy" lastaaea here with -Ifiioe-d-a Na.ahbor.-l"eT.mpany aurP-rtiaa t-eople ia-elu TieeJoinri--'w''1b 2 rierful eotloV John K.

Ootas-ha. Ulliao J.roroa, lUa-'. rraak ljajia aad rl-. Larrain. 1 meet ia for eee ia to the the tn of A Of tn te from tne jrrraon oy 261GHAS.

a at- M't i a- ra ii -h. 'S PH and "Roarer will b. killed by the beast. I hot tries all manner of tricks, but "Koarer, who has broken bronchos en tbe plains, cononers and come in triumphant. 1 be comedy la stroex.

The aensatinnai fox hunt made realistic bv tba Introduction of tw-nty fox houhd. a trained fox aad Mie Akerotrom's trained borawa Uyn and Bob. The drama bas mat with great autoses everywhere, ELLBTEDT-BALLL5BEEQ. October SO ia the data of tbe first Sunday niabteonrart by the above orsanixation at Music Hall. The soloist for tha first concert will be tiis distinguished soprano.

Miss CletnesUlDe De Vere. Tba sreat tenor. Cam- Pinini. and the renowned vi-Miniet. rani Wilaeck.

Profeeaor Itallstadt and ota military band af nfty piece will eiva a proanaimt ot new and popular music with soma novelties in a musical aay. which will be aura to sot only a surprise i butadelisht. sreat orgsu will also ba heard at all tha concerts, ror tries sreat musical festivals tha neat swats ia tbe ruins may be secured for fifty anu and tha sen-era! edmiaaiaa will oaly twenty-five casta. W0OD3DAXE ISLAafD PABX Next Sunday will tbe last at Woodsdala Island Park this scaiKjn and it will ba a military dfcy. in which competitive drills and aa excitine sham-bsttl wilt be tba lead in features.

(Several companies of tbe Firm Infsntry will com pet in the drills and participate in tba sham bxht-t onsiderable rivalry exists among the 'National Onsrdsmen aa to who, is the drilled soidlsr. A prize drill for a medal aad tbe championship, open to all Ohio National Hitardsoien. will nodonbt prove the most excitine event of the day. I ha et season at VVoodadale baa been an unusually successful one. and the management is already making datea and plan-nina for next season.

To-day tbe locomotive firemen will aire an outing at Woftdsdal. when lb local organization will entenain the delegates and their ladies, who tiara been in atiendaace at tbe convention durins tb paat week. The C. H- and D. announce tbe ttsaal rare and trains.

An intarestiue proerammo of mnsic. dancing, outdoor sporta sad games baa been arranged, ia addition tu the regular ttaataaiiou. A HOVELTT AT THE ZOO. A decided novelty la th way of a hiab class entertainment will found at tba Zoological Gardens this afternoon. It ia an exhibition drill bv tbe champion military company of tbe United btate.

tbe Aurora Kauavea, Ihey bsve taJtaii first prises in National corneals in tn past inree years. The company is made up ot y.uns men Chlcaao and tha auburhs. and has tbe same social rank tn that locality that tne A von Zouaves have bere-aboutr. 1 be drill will beam at n'cloek thia alter. icon, and it will conclude with a sensational scene, tha srortmnn of a fort.

Thi. is a great feature of tbe Aurora Zouaves artll. and is always received wiih yells of applause. I0HL AND MIDDLETON'B. Mary Etta ia th short and simple name of a young lady who begins an cneatemcnt at Kohl and Mrddlatou'a- Dime Museum to morrow afternoon slery icttats a woman oi reroanaois pre-portious.

and Is bav.iened with an over supply of adipose tissue ijn otber words. she is 1st. She ta net only fat. but is fair. I a deed, she la said to be one of tha mast beautiful women nvtna.

Mary Etta Is called the whit, giantess of Indiana, and bar actual weight, without tha I lis blest degree of xasneration. ia MS A. a. a. a .1 POUI1U-.

it. is fuuewu, awvn pliahed and quite a brilliant coaveraatioo- aiist. Mary sawyer, tn yireae-utn oeautv: tha IlamUn-Karrlla European Novelty Company: Mar th wax-flower artist: rati alia, tbe- jire-eatina Indian thief, Zura. the Zulu Princess, and 1IJ. a Ukliri Illal.llVtl.

UNI I "I II in the curio lon Carver, the Juvenile mustrel an nterenting programme on tne nuou at age: -ci i I-v McRabia'. World's Fsir Specialty I oiu- pany will appear iu a brilliant vaud villa performsac in the AediUiriuin. OUE SEW THEATEE. Thst tb new Walnut-street Theater, which wilt be epeued to the pobll for tbe first time on tb SBth Inst; wits that eminent tra- aediaa. Kea.

in will be a credit and an qrnameat tt- Cineiaaati ia evident from tbe fol low in detailed deariptin: li. ereepective patrena of this aaw Thespian tempi will be greeted witb a pleasant surprise oa th exterior thst covers a freutat of of M.B by 157 feet onv Walnut street. It is five Matt, and ta solidly built of tiresaad brick, terra cotta. wun beavy brosm stone tnmminira. oresmeitted te eteaantly ate ruied rarvins.

m.nieled after that fasnlona-ble form ef architectaral drsian k.ewn ea Romaaesaue. first introduced into tbiaceea-try by Kicitardson. tbe aecimect. Tbe main eatrance iaamatcblesa master-pleoe of architectural aad decorative art. It is a naeseive.

hsnae areh aurmounted bv srraceiiitlT deaicn.e traverr.ioue in bruwa suiae. The keystooe over the ee is ee allegorical Poetntu tvecbacretaand tymbol-ia, a inyinelaicsl tubjet Carted ie bold reli.f ia a classic Orrek iiet repreaeetiaa Kuierue. tbe aftddewa of epie poetry. 1 be fine bead taaiiaotaatted a a. io -t a lyre ia tbe baca-grnssa tn atrtues vt wbteh are ea twined wttb tbe tlowfna hair 1st a wild reediay of arace aad beantjr.

This key-. ton ta the crowntas slory wt the area that ie supported ettwer side ef tbe entrance by four aotid sad w4l-roBortiaiia eolumna. Ou either aid.ot tiie large main e-niraeioe aremndriat eiaberataly eeneliel witb brancuad tracery tesiafuily wevea Into myria.4 lala.Ua an pretty eoervpnuaa. Tber are also wakalic, reprasenuna traawdy and reiaeuy. I we stately sxa-arcltes frame tbe eatraace from the vestibule te the lobbv taaida.

I bey ait carsa ia saia aautaa eak. tbataebtly a pebtiraent bOMitality, lbo doors ol ii hi au tvn rr.ooa a re matie of heevy oak. aad tne panels are bevated txated eiasa. ibesisaeef tbe trananms overhead isataiaae aad formed in beautiful deoian. Theas twa triatusM will beautify tbe eatrance witb brilliantly tint when tbe ebaa-dlifrs are lichted in tb lebhr iasioe.

jbe lobby Itself is a veritable dream ef beauty, i he floorm ia deae ia tiae Meaeic tbat baa tee warm alew af JiahaJt marble. Iraaeota a tb eetline aed panel, on eilber aide is heaaufuL Kery.wineed Cupids, motto -scrawla. aiteaorical stetn-arv. brisht aowera and raatasi of laery run rial la bewiMerinr beauty. A urikin feature ef tbe lobby ta tae larte boi-otnre tbat stands in the eewter.

Wuea tbia lobby la litiitri by eta-incur the tMti.i it will pratam a bruliautt acM ot twauir and tittano. Attar tuw ticnM-takiwa Cerberea the iorer is and he-re new splendor are revealed to farther daule the vtuon and please th most (aatidieea taste. Tbe ceiur-ia of the interior i a subdaed yeilaw somtbias btivaa a cream aad aeld- u. A si ri si as cbaraciwr tatic taa f.ret is the doaee. trota which bans richly eeaiewaa cuiaot.Mra.

i be fyar and ataircaaes ee either aide tbat lead ta tha hrst bsiernr are line With haadaom. oakaa uiBeiut and earvtaaa that iaeda FROHW 4)B nrr MERSTROM STOCK feeling of warmth and comfort to the entire theater, Tb beleoay roofiac that overhang, tbe orcbeatra eirela. ta decorated witb pale bin shields tnterweveo with aold and Silver flowers ta very fanciful desiana. Tber two tier of balwoniea. the froata of which are heavily ornamented ia bronze aad aold.

There are threcv tiers of maaetve boxes, seven on either side. Tbey are shielded by rich and costly tapestries and are very ae-doled. It would requir th ami as and luxuriant style of a Onntier to describe the ceiling of the dome. One can easily imaaine th spirit of aR.nli.el com in. tmck to eartli to prj.i ovar tae freaco work thia doiaa.

It ie a revelation oi celestial beaaty in delicate bine and ailver. Tb fia-ure of the muses hay th flub-tint and drspina of a Oareme. The medallion in' bas-relief in ta center of th doto ia a particularly fine circular design in Bold and iUr taat auftnia aa electrified tun Mower, if such a thins ware poaaibl. I ba dome i studded with about 200 iocaade-eent lixbts tbat. when lit, will seam like ranltituginous olden stars silUonlted aaalnst tb pale blue back around.

The aroteanlnsi openina ta like a beautiful Bolden frama of a picture the curtain. I he subject of the paintma on tb curtain ts a myaiery. Nehody haa aaen it yet except the painter. Henry E. Bnrkey.

who it keeping it a secret fur a pleasant surprise oa th opening night. The openina ot the suae is 16 feat ie width and 36 feet In h.iabt. '1 he I prtxeeniam arch i crowned by a monster medallion, that will be revealed for tha first time on the opening nirnt. There are two ladies' parlors and a smoking room for gentlemen, and tbe exirta are tuple. The building ia surrounoed with fire-escapee, and the owners hsva left nothing undone ff tha comfort of their respective patrona of the new VVaiaut-atreet Theater.

It bas a seating capeoHy of 2.000, and la luxuriously fitted irp with every modern convenience that ranrs 4 ea the foremost tetnplef eonitseinautiQ 'V enure country. The architects are JTh. MeEtfatrick A (Son. of New York, and Horn it fin it are tha builders and contractors. Al E.

Westover is the superintendent of Ibi architectural ooa- siructioB. 1874-1892. Tba new Walaut-etreet theater ia to open witb Tbe melancholy Prince of Denmark will be impersonated by Thomas W. Keeoa. whose forceful and scholarly portrayal of tba character years aao won bim areat praise in London from John Qxenford.

then the dramatic Jupiter Tonana of tha English Thunderer, tb finest lndaysaone by "Hamlet" waa a favorite play. hen theaters were to be opened a new company waa to he tried at the beginning of a arawa. "Htmlii" wss the initial attraction of the Grand Opera-house. 'I he occasion waa a memorable oa ia Cincinnati, and tbe lady patrona of tba boose were presented with rttin rrogrsmmes. On ef them ia before ua, I read aa follows, verb, et IS7.

afeaday Kvsahia. aeeiaaiaarX aaaveslr enenlng at t.e Orait Op.ra-b.asa, Clocl.aau. Mr. aa Mrs.

K. I ti.v.aaert In "" aapperted by tae saw and powartal Draiaaila Com easy. AM LKT. ft ml at S. aU DaveapoTt i t.

K. L. tlsvanport Hum s. ft, K. Itaitaa i la.tiailna J.

V. Meltan air. J. W. Hun Mr St.

McNeil Mr. H. xillh Kownrrklll aTi. W.

Vua ml ilaasler. a- Howltaa i t.i Laaita aUyle Marceilu. Mr. fasl H.raa.-a. J.

Will La Mr. W. Maaeiy aVIraa Actr i -Manil A ctor Hrl tlrav. Ing.r cart wrave liia(a 0alta Actress Wr. H.

OL Mr. J. Jaaeau Mr. Vlat.1 St ary Jeaate Mtaebell Mr. Krena'a eompaay ia aaid to be a eery strene on.

It will be interesting for tbe old-timers to eompar it mita tbe one aivea above. FEOM JEW YOE. caaaoNaaaais at raa samnasa. rv Yoax. September 15, tXHL Tb moat important event at tbe th asters this week is Richard Mansfield's sro dnctioa of The Letter at Daly's Theater, which was Monday niant by the frteade aad admirer of tbia actor.

Mr. Manefietd'a iaaperaooatioa of tbe leading part ia tbia play waa forcible and impressive, while the actias- of Mlao a Master i'ryaa. waa hardly ap to tha mark. It look a as thoneb Mr, -tan-- held had made another aueceea. A Palaser a beater lleory Ltxey ina i "lolantha to tartra andiaewejea.

lia ia erparticalariy funny aa the Lord Chancellor, but is acceptable te tbe audience. Y-lamie ValJace. as lolsathe. is exceedingly baodsome and nnaa wall. Tbe piece ta to be continued fr two weeks, when I be pirates ot Prnuace ia be revived.

"Ky 1 I at a a rt nana ita um bearing in tbia ettr a laat Vlo day bight at the Harlan Opera-bouse, it ie eriainal ia pei. and tn tbe bandaof a clever com pa ay. beaded by A. tv. Lipman.

haa made a eeoqine aecrma. Th Casino aaditortun. will be dark tbia week ad next. On th rof aardee a vaodcvtlie vnieriaio ra.a ia betne aivea, and on r-ep-tember SS the lower part of the boose will be opened witb a ballet and vtodeville entrr-talaiaeatef a hiab erter. Witb variety at this place, the Park 1 beater and lony I'aa-tor'a, Yorkvrt are likely to aet all ef tbe apecuuty atertainmwnt that tbey eaa poaat-bly deaire.

Joha wall's owaedians are at tbe aunwa ihr-atreea 1 boater, aad it ia as-Boa nee a tnet alter thia week "Xb City lnrectory wiil not -acala be eeea ia New York, nuaiaees is large a. anl Th five hundred tb per tor mane of "Sin bed waa elbrtd at tbe Card eta baa let Moa-day aisht with eoaveatre la tbe form of' handsome boooaeta. te wbicb were attached a pHotoa rapb of Lowr-e ioo-imaae. Robert Maotaii eoarienee "A Face ia tbe -looeugat" at froc tor's Theater, where be ts eoiaa eery well. At the Fifth Ave arte "Settled Oet of Coerf" Is ia ita laat nierbta.

ft will be followed ttext Monday by raalina Hall end ber raaaaar in "afuritania, Jane core merrily on at tbe btandard Theater, aad Hons "1 ri to Chiaaiowa i. still beiae lanBbed at by la raw aadieeeee at tbe aladi-ee (-quire. tocena Tomekias' revival of "The rUeck Croak ia poekina tb big Academy at every fr-rforanoe aad ia likely have a looaaad praproea rue. Jaaale Teamaaa ia ber last wek at the bij a. bere Kane aad Hy beeia a five eta ka' awaaae mam best Moaday Bi.tit.

press nuo a a aaw veraiea of A Parlor M.acb." neUble revival of Harry Mawaoo's war play. A air Rebel is premised for next Monday aiahtat tbe ourrBi-trrt Tbeater. Keiand Heed is ia hiaaecoad week at the ruar 1 beater, aad Acrosa the Petamac ta totkint the (tramd Opere-nooa to tbo door, evwrr a.aht, le oil Hester 'e taaastsient at toe brand way ooatieee-W proa per. and Laer. i aa sign of a chanae' of bill.

"R'asf" wiil probably becoeribued far iwver-l week. E. ri. father n. la aptain Leiutbiair, is fiii-ina tb Lyceum Theater.

He resnaia aatil theadvestiof tbe roewutr atoeA eomeeay in OMobee. tae-Iee Jtanaia aad Frederick Priahtoa are in Laa. ar at tha Vbmmb Miar. Tbey start ea the road inTbe KentbCkr CoUtet'' aaxt l-eoay. Theptece in iu present form is later n.

nr. la tows aad acq vaiy reaearti I 3C Of tix Kmplr, i ia the 'most successful of the day, IN HER KEW COUEDT DRAMA, Ms company preparatory to tbe opealna of thaaaioe aaxt -loaday aiarht lit tirooklyn. Maaamr Edwia H. Price bss completed bis Com Denies for Clara Morris aad Sidaey Rosea comedy. "Inaaioaiioa.

Both orgs ui rations will uiclode a number of tim-ciaea actor end" actresses. Darins tbe (sat thro months nearly a score of nanus av been soa-ostad at replacuie W. J. i-emo-a-i in none of Wbicb bave been correct. Pitoa has Just n-aaaed Chauncey Oicott, an excellent slneer and capable actor, te play the part formerly act-d by icanlaa.

Mr. Theodore Bremleyie toeontlaee aatne faMim mmt M. fim 1 that actress enee'oat under tbedireetioa of Ahber. hchoen.l A t.rau. A new pisr, "Cnele Tom's Cabia.

laoo view at Niblo tbia week. THE OLia Tsx Eaaairer Job oBe la sow tb aw aad commodiens Qbarters at No. 9 last Eiahth atreat. lust Broadway, within easy reach by two lib ef cable ear from Fountain sou are. Quarters save bees fitted up with desks.

x-cj for th us of msaarsrs and agents, and they are always welcome. The Enquirer Job Print ia new ess of the best and tbe work cats set be excelled by aay bouse ia America, L.TD. KutKBBLi. la swimmina at Masaolia Park. Houston.

Texas, FBASKtc Joans bas aoada a hit with tbe Fanny Rice Com peny, JrtiT Hitr. a favorite comedian, ia with Al G. Field's ina tre la. XiBeat dosed a eery prosperous wk at Philadelphia ea batnrday. Tnr Howard Company oeena tbe season la New York on beptemberlS.

Jobw Roaiwoa Clretnt has a Chlneaa pro-sramma out tor fan Francisco. A utx. Hat ia the mesical director of John RuaaaU'a City l)irectory Company. taxma- aoee eat -this soason with a number oi new end pleasing feature. Mariaoaa Cntaxaa Fsommai will bar Sixteen Otiaipentee on th road this season.

James 8L abp Karri Eo wasps are with the Frank Jon Our Conotry Cousin Cemoany. Jonw Kxllt Is turnine'em away with bia new farce comodr. ea titled "McFeo of Dcb-lin." Tfta first theater to he lighted throughout wisb electrieity waa the Gaiety ia London in PsiMBoea saw Mivhtbsls eor.tino te draw sreat audasaca every place they TisiU Willis R. MtftTTir ia playina leadlaa JnvenUe role in Brady 'a Altar lark a' "Alftmttu Matctt I booked for a long engxsameut in New York, baaluniug in February. Tub new Empire Tbeater.

Indianapolis, is great bo. ad Jaanaaar Fenneaay ia a till appy. Morbts opens tbe new Opera-heua at Deflaace, Ohio, ia Bardes'a Odstt. October 2L i t. Bon st GtTLoa'a aaw "Snort McAllister I highly spokep oi In tbe East, where he is now pier 10 a.

Tax Two rinru Cos tar la way up ia New England. where it ia repeauas iu armor tri urn Ptaa, LiixiB Msaarrr. the eelebratod lady vlolirv-Ist. beeins an eneaxamcnt at Kohl aad Mid- dlftou's -luaeam-. Join A.

Brrvsse end Tbersea Butler were married i-entamber 9. at Jersey City. by a Justice of ta peace. AsKta LkWtaandA 'Notmea Match" will revealed next week at tbe tatioaal Theater. WashiDKlon.

LX.C Howas Win aad -hia -tedel Comedy Company are piayiae the northern Part of this btate te sood bu-iacas. Aspxi oa'sTweOld Cronl is ptayina enormous bueineaa at ell points, and is the beet company ever in the caat, Cnaat.nt H. ax i t. lata of Baker end West, was nr.arried at so to Georam -rnhart. ef 11 oa Aeptember 7.

Naw JrttrTba turned out poorly ml lata for tbe Monsy appeara ts be very scsuxe witb the iabahitAata. TotaCVd has aaea Cupid'a Chariot" Sad pronounces tbo new fare comedy to boon of the moat enjoyable on the rood. afwe. Moerxsita married at the early ea of 17. and it was oet antil after ber beebextd'a deaUa that aba went ea the ataae.

Taut Hopkins Traaa-Oceatiio Special try Company, with 1 rower, aaeai at Proctor's Xweuty-third -atat Theater. November Fas sets Wriaow bae up tbo idea of spending bis vacation ia Europe. Reeeat uuarantio terrors milaencrd hi decision, Tm bw Foontain Tbeater ia rapi llrsa. proachiaaeom pieties, and will be finished ia ample uane lor the ooeaiaa in November. "Tat Ext" madTs a terri bit at tiie tas California 1 beater, ran Francisco, ita re ot-1 pta there were the laraeat it ever played le.

Faow the preeant eatlook If Is pot oalikely abaa Tha tuaiaB ariil betbe bisaaat sser of Aay of te aeasoo'a -raveliats cembuta- Jrt-taw Houlee ha. wrrltteej a new ballad. Tlon Kereet te Vt-rite Home. whieb will be suna in iii Akersuem's play at Uenck'a to-day. Claba RAbcLirra la pis ins Lisa ia Tbe White lav." tbia seaaoo.

The play is as puooiar ae ever, judging by the bia boa loose Soate ear-as. laABtet. ISom ra la It D. at the sevett Putbee-land sitters, aad T. Hsine rastlemaiae.

of New York, war --aariaa beptember Sat Lock port. Y. "fit Heevi.raT-rBketJMreaord lest weak the Bijou Opers-Boooe. i a -veoeoi 1 be etaadiaa room staa waa emattr a ispisyed In froatof tl-eater. Or 'all 'tbo ft-tr thai bave- been written Ihoet tbe rncb Revelation.

B-eele laekave's "Psal Kaavar as Vhe stKatt utif nag and reaiisuc Tub maar patrons of Kehl aed Middle ten's Mesoomare 1tte in their praiaeof tbealo- (aalaas.itrrf ia stick toe ane-tortant f-seoba-BBKasiiBO aoama be no tbe elm of The nailer oompeay to is seaasa. ovortiow-iaa beaaoa beta tae rate in Vb harm wst. wner it ia now elariaa. M. E.

rAVi. never ly leadiaa man with tb 1 brae M. am tUtars." aad Lillian tsattmLel tkateamaaaT. so. sm I.

a Aaw Seat at ill. W- Ci, As w. SBaaaeei of Anderson TwoOld Croniev viil area the tour of "Kidaapped' this aeaeoa. 1 ran a sfstBSirs haa beaa aa xxed to so la advance IaADosa Rrnc. the leadlas lady of Roland Rose' Compear, baa a areas tn mated Iih aatxe -ooo-a taoreowit of a twe-yoar coi lectiea whii vutiuna toe Pac-iAa Casat.

Tag haadaom Opera-lvottae at iedl-tewa. Go mx stick has boea areatly beeau-fied drtrina th vaeat oa, will be oaveaed next Wadaeeday by X-e jaoe-aa Si Keeoe Coae- paay. On rTru. has rrasa rich in the show besV aeae. uoa ui an latest ln.satmsbtseetst-e waa tba ot a larae trees of load ta Bmeaiya.

oii.t-a be bas aubdivided late bniidir iota. It to become aa se a.ras.irao-1 a namber 3CT mm. mm et ia bit to are as by ie on in be ia of of to in to aa in la MM THE I THE MONTE CAHXO CASINO. N. ttx A the QaeJcerees.

with the Orlfflnml Caat of SO. vf ThTublronH)Monti TbOuit Quaker Maxim Tb TVoo- Crontvnc Ibe IrisM boll ubter-Th. iiao of MoaotiB-Th Caiolr UroftiooHe Little UtlrtttTraInat)B. THE LOST PARADISE production AillORITA Iota to member of the profession. Tb colony will, ia- all probability, be banal Hillaville.

bis RrtB. who opens at Harris this afternoon, will be remembered for his admirable work la 0D'-wd's Neighbors." lie was formerly oae hall of the team of OUaoa and Ryaa. Twa Providence papers announce A Gilded Fool. Nat Goodwin's new plav. aa good as he Senator" or Tb Henrietta, aad predict for it a Ions and prosperous Ka a a Diiu and 'Littla Pock have at- ways uan groat lavortte.

and tha th.viaf they bave mavrta so far tbi aeaaon, proraiaoa tbat this xcelleot da will beat all previoua record. Miaxte MtartcK. a rircus performer, while a lion's case ie a parade at Wiaston. N. C.

liepto ibar su. waa attackad by the Hon. wbo o.r rieht jaw. bbe waa rescued ia tlma seva her tiie. CHAk-ra J.

Rosa and hia wife aad partner. Mab-l ronton, have signed with Gas Williams An April Fool Company, to intra-dace their clever special tie aad May lead-ins character roles. BsviBALof the smaller shows, tossy notifies about oae or two of tha would-be bia ones, are aaid to be aleepioa under very heavy "blanket-. which tbey hope lift before the season cloees. Lotta's new play is named "tlytio.

Tbe author of it is a woman, and aa actress who ooea aot care to be known In It. Rsbenrsals now goiaa on in New York. The aeaaon will open iu Toronto. Oat. Dokhkli see GiBkae have Introduced a number of new features in "Natural Gas." and tbs shew is now.

if possible, better than ever. Cleveland had this epmedr laat week and crowded houses ware the rule. Faust DtTavroBT has selected Cincinnati one of the cboaen few cities to be honored her presence this season. Mie will play aotbioe under ne week enemaementa. and ber tour will only last twenty weeks.

Or Hkbob ts detiron.of forsaking Kwedi.b dialect comedy for a "flyer" at the legitimate. Heese would make an excellent Konaeo. pro-vldine -ad ie Connolly could be iaduoed to essay Juliet ia the aame organization. JontL Ous Williams haa found a play Tuat bis size" in April Pool." irt which opportunity is aiven bim to display his rare talent-, which place him at the bead of tne German dialect comedians of this country. Josars McarHT Is aaain In bant after a season's rest, and the lover of tha interest ing stones oi in la Ireland as porfrayea oy him ar anxiously awaitina tbe time wbea tbia areat favorite will aaaaa make hie appearance.

ii. maw A. Bbapt ia one of tbe youngest manaeere in tbe theatrical busieeaa. aiAl be one of. tbe most aetule.

as tha result ef the rullivae-Corbett fisht Brady will eiear a barrel of money tbia aeaaon aa Corbet t1 a maaaaer. Tea Dtcvil'b Acer toe was always considered the foremost of tne many spectacular play presented in tb last few year. ltse the rood this season new in every department, and will surely prove as bis a drawing card aa heretofore. Wsiit Emperor William not loaa aao tailed In bia attempt to mak evenina dretn customary at tba Berlin Opera, ford iPraart haa started crasada aaainat tbe swallow tail coat, which tats loan been obliaatory London operauousea. Jan sa Cokarrr.

whose claim apon men's reverence end admiration i baaed uron the fact that proved himealf a more expert pugilist than the foremost- plua-uaiy of all tbe World, is to beootue aa "actor. He will seen ax -truck's la a faw weeks. MAStseaa Wiucivsoy will take Alexander Salvia I to tbe Pacific Coast ia October. Tbe actor will play a four-weeks' aniuaiBrnt ia Ma Frarciaeo. aopearine In tba scanus revivals ot irKnnerry's and Dumas' roms-tcea.

wnicb be baa beea ao aucceaaf Jossrw Kro-uit. an old-time minstrel aad manaaer, who died on hi war borne to Jersey City. N. J. aboard a ferry-boat in the North River.

Aurost 8. waa a native of Dublin. Ireland, aod came to thia country in eaptember, wbea 17 year ef a. IatasL- CAwrsKLL died at Highland -Villa. Hich aad Kails.

N. August Id, Kb was a member of Aoeu-t Daly a Company deriee tbe aeaaon of laest-Hi, and was the affianced bride of Cadet Petti-en. of Indiana. Mer former hnaaa was Leavenworth. Kan.

Ella Ifoam-rva ta alive and welt at her home. Cleveland. Ohio. he-report ban boss forth that Miss Mortimer had Jeined the groat majority, liar sistsr Mabel will not star this season. Lillian Mortimer is also eaieriaa 1 ii at th Morvimer homes trad.

Mis LiLUta RfiiL's opiaion that Xw York heso't "enough ailiy yootb witb larae Kcket-bookt and no hraina to aupoort a real ndoa rauaie bell. most carry the weiet loneexeerteooe witb New York's capabilities in that diarecuee. New York World. TJamtp Prirss HavAros iP.aein H. haa purchased ef Mr.

J. Eiwottt. widow "Frits Jmmett. tbe liawai actor, th latters on Co beetttiful villa hpob the Vta Rensselaer bonis vard in Atbeuy for XB.8UUL Frita" paid fXtXOuO for it twlv year aa. Jos HimvooD.

cot red, aiarer-at the i.raod Fall. 4onL. brutally aanaulted. luia Andre, a vocalist al that Pisco, es August Sa. aa-auiuwaa I with aa bsl inflictiBa severe in lartes aboet tbe body.

Haselwood waa ar- restee. "Artrr Lor ia" Elbbipob had a birthday aaaiveraray on f-andav. September and was aio roeibiont of aaanon mas iBgie ot coagrataiation. iodeding maar eabiearama from across tbe bis pood, "Aanl ta" art -be eaa't ras-msvr' ttat-f he els sbe bv Vat-un McCot. of tb MeCoy Uters Nellie and Litzle had aauccsasfnl snrgtcai opera tion performed at muaaeiouta reeeatiy.

wnereor a bone waa reraovod from her loot. r-he ean aew walk around wiLboot tbe aid of Oratcbeo. -ft-s Lauis BrsKBAtrr. of the Ineoe Com- peny. Is eee ot only tb ree el be ieir sis are permitted to wear a G.

A. JL bads bat to a. ibladiatineuen waa an van her for servieee readered the order, coo is aew many a veteran by tb aebriauet 3 orade WrLUASt GtSABn. a varlotr actor, died Baa-wmbor a. at St.

Yioceat's Hospital, of poo-somptioaa. He had beea ill log eoan time, deeesaed was a brother of 1-1 ward iirard. of "Natural eaa." Tb Actors' and took -bar of tbe nody, and it waa teTrd Everareen Cemetery. It now stasis eery erobable that "All Babe" will bave aa extended rna at on of tbe Broadway tbaetera la New Je-rk. I More have boon several nattering bid for it by New York maaaaer aieee it eompenien piece, "Jim bod," Oetmona-ratod it dxawias powers ia the ase-ropolia.

"Tea Pat Tsaib." with the littla soubrette. Flora aew bind ley. toilowa Ulius Akerstrom Haock'a. rlew mecbaaicai efieeta have boea introduced. The brsstiaa to swoao the wrack iss of a -rata of care rasaias at fall spa i aod tbo switch i.g of a mammoth yard eusine ar tta aew eHecta.

Tsx title of th aaw play fa which Alrjsa-der helvini will be eeea ia tberrnne Is 1M Hair of bramnant" and'' net raeet boa beoo staaod. II a a a-oe-antuc play of taeaaxtaoatb coot wry. the aceoa boins laid Fraatoa. Tbo etece waa writes) br ratal Keater. nnder Mr.

Doiviai anperviaienv Tow Wfalaot-rtraat has tsr heariBB to look hrat-cia be smooldiaa ia oewa. and the cnair will be ut le atooo. Kvorv taia wi.l bo ia resdiae. lor tbeee i.g to-aaorrow week. bo toilowiaa reper toire aa.

tea eiec a i. too a ie tbe atar Mftdsr. 1-t: lueaday ane writT. uta ai-i Vtedaeeiiay aad balnmay niAAla, SAID PASHA Tke Greet rex Hut, Lire Foxes. TRAINED HORSES, U.

iUCeok's Keeaeler 20 fox lloeed. Hen iThurday. "Othello:" t-'aturday matinee. The Merchant of Venkje." Ibaaaleof rats.Will comaaanee Weduoauay mora log al the ticket office. "Tea Kwvivir" tbia aeaaon pooaeeaeaaa entirely new aad snrseou quipiuent of enrv, which waa especially dsirnd and paioted by Jcsepb Hart, Tbe areat yacht stene la entirelv new, larwer and more completely equipped llian before, aa.

In fact, are all tbf otoer scenic ani mechanical devices. Tni attraction booked at tbe Pol'g rxt wniatneini enndar. la ina Hill's New York Mar, ine.durina such art int. aa rredJ, Hober. Emerson tal Oook.

Maude Beverly, the llttterson Hr.othsr. bwlftand Jiaar. lievender and Tomsoa. Mc.trny and May. trine Mttnuit, IliXon aad Lao a.

and John Drew. litriBviawgD In Boston lsst wsee. Mr. Jam. Brown Potter modaatly aaid: "A rood d-ai depend, on the personality of aa aeirss after eh bas mastered tbe toebnioaa of ber profert aion and I have dona thai.

Dumas says I play 'fsmilie' tbe best of ear actress he ha ever seen. He euakt to know, lie wrote the play." H. CL Wirvia met with an accident while driving at Philadelphia. Th horses ran away. tbrowine th.

ocenpant. the carriaae to the around. Mr. Vt'itwer was picked up uncon'cious. andsnatained severe injeria about th head, also break in a a small bona of one of his leas.

Ua was taken to tn Apiscopel Hospital. BtrrrALo Bill's Wili Wrav continues to attract a Lars attendance at London. Eu-aiand. where the season will do about the middle of October. Oliver J.

htanton. of Ft. Wayne. Ind- chief bllU-poatry of the Wild -We-t. was married to Elisabeth M.

Raymond, of Cpfci.n Park. laondon. on May 14. alajor Hark ha made a bit with his musket aad bayonet drill act. Maei Bn avaan Braea.

tha famous Eeaiiah sctreas. will visit Cincinnati for tb first tint this aeesoe. Ibis is tiie lady wboee bantr and talents hav bald her first in the estimation of l-oadon tbeater-vners for the past decade. She bas freaueatly been called the "Enslish Bera barn on acoonnl of ner aresteat sucrr a a bavins been wea iu seme of Bernhardl's rolee, Fiask iVovcao' new pisr. "Moneaenelai or Homestead in '9X" bas proved st failure, and iu author, who waa its financial backer, has I' it neavilv, itissahl.

by it. production at tbe ColnmbusTheater in New York. I'laraon contemporaneoua exritementa. sneb e. tbe Charlt ton earthquake, tha Johnstown Sood and the Homestead strit.

seldom amonnt to much, The newspapers ar flooded with details of such events, and the public grow heartily tired of tbem before they roach tb atae. i W. H. Tnoatiow, one of tbe beat of character actora. will plav a prominent port in Hroasan Howard's new play, "Aristocracy.

Mr. Thompson's encasement tor this plar myena a ereat compliment to his ability, for sir. Howsrd. contrary to Ms cnatom. Las "written In" a alrona rn la' that was not is.

eluded in Lis original plan In order te iotro-i dUce Jar. 1 b.rnpon ia the cast. I eier Thompson will be a leading tnemper of the stock company at tba aew Empire Theater. New York. A Vonao lady named Lillie Western recently created a sensation in New York by plnyina a solo on any mn steal Instrument (list wonld brou-ht to her during tier one cb Basement in New York.

'Ibisyouoa ladv ia indeo a -ooder. Itb charaeteriatie energy Manager Varner aeenred her for the vreat Carlo" -eene in The Vendetta, Mbe wjll appear in every performance stllsvlin athia week, lie-idea alayina pp-un several instromenu sbe will pUr upon twp banjos at tbe same lime. "Wabo" boos morrilr on at the Frond way Tfieater. New York Cit-. Its bright, tuneful moslcconts-riou fun.

pretxy eirls, gorgeous aeenery. brilliant costiimrs. snd nanrtvai tn eel rata rea.non in u. to a tlract iara au-disacor. aad Oa Wolf Hotter, aasietol by bis merry cohorts aoem tirelesa intbeir efiorts to Please, and aa a result tbaur performaacea 'retain ail of the attributes el excellence that ci.eracteried tha initial presentations of the opera last season, and its wonderfal popularity among ail classe of tbeater-aoers conalu-sivaJy indicates a coaiiniiauon oi ita a paralleled aaccaaa.

A a accident occurred "ep'teBibar 7 at River View. -a pleesaro resort, a short distance from Waabinateo, I. c. whieb may result in tbe death ef Mrs. Udell, the wife of R.

N. Odell. Oiaettier with tier hasband. waa te bave made a ballooa asc.nsion and a perachute leap. Tbe parachute became dctaoaod Irom the balloon at a distance of tweoty-nve fret from the around, dashing them both to the around, the kmi.

which 1 mean of a cord and worked by the arronaut. eut the rep ia some ruaooer. probably having become taut. is thonant. suffered ooneuoKion of the spin.

Mr. txlell waa tmdly ah ansa up. but eecapedaeriooe in-jery. i "Thi Annie Lewi has" te tb very latest thine i In "Ibst ati of truth tbe advance aaent" la aot tbe creator of this latest a-lverosiaa dodae, if dodae it is, I ho has a tnoe described by -o critic: rih wrap ber arm 3ooat his nock aa lia-bt a. if ahe wee la areat riser and needed hi protection.

Wh hide, ber sweet face Jnst above hia collar, and one ean fancy tb ft breath aaalDst his cliaaLi I-no mora tiian "leaua on lura." Hhe resu oa him. aot aa if ahe waa el read an polling the ereaasof bis very correct trousers. euf tin a cioseaesa tnet must snaa aaen feel the other's heart boa'. 1 aever wanted to be a lead ins man a a til aaw "tbo Ana ie Lewta baa." i Teawddioe of Mlaai Kathaliaa Gale and ArcbibaldCa.bmaa. Havoc fmk ataoa heptambrr a at All boula L- ailanaa Cburciu New trtit City.

llo cvrr-toon wss wit-tMM I bw Larao taihenna 1 ba morrtae creina.e waa neriormad bv Ka. C. VI llliama. pas lor of theeborcb. be brute waa auven ow ay or Aaviu iiiuaa www live.

After the eereru ther waa a email reoeptUro at eberry'a, Mr. aad htrs. Htrnrl tartod oa a abort trie, Mrs. Havana will reure rroea tbo stage, rna win reettme per professional a ties ear! in tbe Mr. liar nee ie the mefeH-oliian manarrr of.

tae Eueitable Ijfe Aasuraoce ocity. aad W-e-Presaoefrtof tbe lia-nilto-1 liaston laves a-aaeBt Compa nr. Ort of tbe aeccesaea wrod aced fa the East tbia aaasna was "I bo Operator," tba ars five-act naelodrema. which ant aaw tne liabtat the hmtwre i beater. Philadelphia, ea Ansa Srs.

where it eeorod at immediate and proeoeaced asetsu, it ia a naeiieiT written of tbe saodera scbooL with errs dialoeue. brisht comedy and aa-Hrauaxab i ne twi eriwopai cnarao-ter an th play, stes which li bl lunge, ar awusnod by Mesars. Wtiiardaad William w-11. the only twia atar is the world. 1 be resemblance botsHten tbeaa two eeatto- ates te so remerkeble mat it at impuootoie tor the aaoat fnefde to tail tbem apart except by some special artieie of w-iry or ctotbibe.

I ta man-aea-ent base ti- pendad over tic nu la tee pei xiaeuo mt seanary and atar-lias mechanical sdocla. Tae -widow da oca" la tha "Pa-ila Ao. hoa'Btsaissiin( asrpriie. Five eemore-lootiaa snrla, clad ia bl jck walking costume, ooase saow the sta-av and tbe funeral as ts ia atnkina cmtrat to tea pretty Watteau en-lemea aad tr.a other Lriaot trappiaa of tbe ballot, tme el toe wiuow sunas io a elaintiv taass.f a soca of i a-ta-ta. t-nntn.

ana. when the Chora ta reecbod witb very "boom." sue ittiiy pnllaat berdresa. dtsrlayiae aboet aa Ibm-Js orseofaakla. four i.r wi.i.o ar and look Sim kpdiaaoiaod tUaniay a son 'is actions of coaupo-tion. la a twinkling, however.

tte twaete eirkeas aod tMr. ie a a. earns of skirts, a iA aod ir-a o.a.deoa are aa demure as ever. Hew a ea-re was Invented tid Som Vii.a alter thw fashion: Aa atroi iu New or waa a-ws to soe of haa v-ea-oa MEADS M1B PITTAS THE 2XTTSICAZ. MISS XILLIE TOSTERX.

1,000 Nights in Paris. 465 in London. 700 in Vienna andBerlin, 150 in New York, 10 Weeks in Chicago; a ucou Vowdt Homme fic Over Om Tear La New York. City, i Sale of lleserred Seats will open at the John Church Co. Thursday 22v SEISAT13IAL EFFECTS Scecsrr Excellent Cast, U2RS0S QUARTETTE.

HEUCK'S Hml ami.a Diuin al sisters a new black wa'kins costume she had reoentlr piirebeaed irom Paris, rho-o present aakad the a roa to sine Ta-ta-ta. Houta clad in the dreoa. and ahe conente.L It made a hit witb the Base mbl saw, ineM with Ui Nw York audience, and tbare rwu are, Thb Clipper of laat week ears: The- bowline Uerviaiiea. who cams to New York front Cairo. A aanst 1.

last weak appearet ia ilo MayoraoDice te complaia that their manager bad not fulfilled hia obligaiiona. lie had promi-txf them IUI a month, but asvo tliem notbiae. and fur the last three day Uieir aie eustenaneo bod bouh cuaraun, 1 her. explained tbelr miserir ibrousa on lawryniiar to ta mi Ibe Marsr'a rrivsie red them to Lulled. r-lileKU, lie in turn eecratary.

who referred Males ommisaiotter passed them along to SarerriB undent vt'eber. ot th immtarratioa Hureau a Kllis lalatid. I Uer went to Kills Islaad and wanted to bo sent home at tba espenes ot Colon.l ebor aaid that ther wera all atron. and beajthr men.

and a i vised tbem an sro to work. Ifbtor their manaaer. M. Mouiloak. provided money and food for them, and thia week Ihey will be returned by bim tr keypt.

ii is aaid to be a heavy loos oa tba v.aiur. M. MBBVats La Kor, the fa moos llelsian Oonjurer. for tho poet three reara haa been one of the reiantna aeasstion.of Europe, soenre the service of this famous artist baa been Itbe day-dream of American manaaer for a loaa time, and aotwiih.utnnlea tbe -fact that man lamp tin a aad flaiioriua odors bsve beea bold out hina aa aa tnducenieot to eroa toe At- -ientte. waa obliged in everr insiaaee to politely but firmly reosat all eyerture mode, la Lb la direction, beiaa.

as ha was, under a three years' e-mtraet ia turn. pa, whiab did aot expir until Angaat Yl of this year. Learning tbat the bonds whieb hsld him wera fast approeebina thair uiaeelutioa. be was aaata be-eig-d by a email army oLeater-pviniag maaanra. whose plana, however, had been ciyveriy frustrstod' that capable aad ever alert fuanasar the Howard (uniDtar, Joba IX Hopkins, ia tbe somtueref lift H.

Mr. ileekins. wane in Ka- rose oe his. regular annual talent-nan tins tour, with a foresight that ie e.riabiy eora-insatiable, and by depaoiuae tl.0iX aoeerel aa option oa bis aorvices for th prreot season. Aaen lllustratiea ef tn wonderful power of tbia phenomenal artist a brief de criet-on al one of.

bis numerous Illusion be out of place bore. In tb fall mar not Bl.r of tn loOt-ILslil tbo staeo narias bean Bleared, with tba exeepuon of an aheolutelr empty cabinet ot hie own la-vantion. and standina in full view of tbae-dience. M. 1- Roy pro-i uce three black rubes.

and aatan ll after sivias each robe a sud-en whisk before the cabinet tbey assume the ehadowy fornssYf human beieaa. la tae short spaosef tea seeooda the roboa are with- -drawn, rovoaiins thro meenlnoontiy formed. rant! ladiea. porfaet marvel of boauty. I-eymmetry end araee.

Thia a a parol I. led ataawpictar he has a ro Drtalalr aatiuod the Three traces. MUSICAL At yesterday alternoos's Bsrsat Wood concert Bells ted t's famous hand performed "Tbe Cincinnati Liaht Infantry March" (on of Taa Ksocna-a pnolloatloaa) aa aa ia- trodBolory te a vary enloyabl What ar tb Publl Library ofBclala solas to do is regard te calerina. to the wants of tb motleai pnbllcT Promiasat cities ol tbo East, with aay claim to musical eultare. eaa show catalogues of all the sreat musiaol works of tbe masters, which or kpt la thair respectlv Publi Libraries for the aid eea.uitatlon '4 their musically Inclined in- habitants.

Why Cincinnati, with iu uuuie patea utie to musical excel. enc. abvaid not brovldo in tb- aamo mann.r for tta niu.iaal atndenta ia difllcula to esplaia. Inlnatioeto tbe public demaad ti.e proeev aatooritt-e shouid ee to it thai a wall-stocked library of -tb areat composers' writings be arranged for. to be loaned out to applicant oa to same terms aa deaaanded (root tbe reader of ether literature.

The orsno rati re veheai-ala foe th Pfct holla Columbian celebration aro belna aeld at rlBBer institot aadsr the direction vt Prof. Wot. U. Reuseenrebn. Be far tbe attendance haa beea niootencouraains.

Tne part rehearsala have been ebao aed te mas rehearsals, whieb will be held eo Tuea-uty and rioay eveoina Prof. Hsu rv O. Andrea has corns asad a BOW sacred rbnrotwbicb ta to be nerd at tb frtu- tie. corner x-isntn uti ooi strwr ts. a ur nsth rental Hebrew Nw Yar levtivitiva.

Ibe new work ia brilliantly edecttve. the writing ef tbe march movement, eh oral and aaii. being all tbat Could be xpectod lxoan as laaaous a com poos a air. Aedres. Pirnsr Josebh MnaaaL.

the Italian -rone nloiaV. baa decided make bia borne la this city. Ha haa been beard by a great maav of our prominent who have ail bean charmed by tae auraer a anion at, vase -to- Fall a MotU, IM rector of tbo Graad Dnnl Opera House in Carlsruhe, ho brria aaen. tailr oabalanrod ani haa beea token to art asylum. la sckbowWdsed to If eaa of the boost ore no Ira! conductors to r-ureP.

and haa dao sspeciailr bee work in tbe Wasner foauvalaef Berrwnu, lennox. aClsefenstl eompoeer. baa asad a iuite a bit vr bis latest efjort, lar id I other." which ia heias col led for by all the root sat vocalists ot. tve taoot rtcol pro- ft mi on. i B.

Hills, th area I N.w York pianist, b) rabiulr reeoverlna front 1-ia reeent vrr ars one iediapoetUeh. i Hsnor Moacet bee been eegsgod as tor soloi.t ol tbo ra tral i thorrb. oa asr lata atreat. To-morrow al nr. wv i is at ot Foteee ka srat, 4 1m Mane Stalls" a ehoeaa for main Voieoa aad aoloa.

dedioatad to tho -i-ot hv. rebbisbee t-leer by tee eomti saar. Aaarew of tbo oooeltM a i I bo aia. dnced at toeeewaloa elamoiae Festival. Frof.

Joaepb Tmaneafr. ef the rolloew of Music, i. orsanising a boys' ehe-r for cb J-ward'a Chare a. ee crara atreet. Prof.

Waldemar Malairne. for-sarfy of tbia tar. now the musical director of the r-a. ouia institute lor toe I line, called oa but Ctacieneu frtaoda ye-tereay. Mr.

Mai saaua is on his way to lb Kaar. Tr. Jf. J. Karnheiroe.

of IN Colloee of Music, baa aeon ats-vio-ed iwri-a ot the Onto Mnsie laaottcxs' At-ic--u-, The latest sobs ef Mr. Wm lAa, ba been pab'Khed by r. r. rU-M haa b-en pexv-atarly hoepr t-bia lal-ot soor- Mr. H.

Trevor. Pre oidewt of th Jobo Cliercn Company, bos Just r.iuroe.1 irom a four laoatrV u.y-o the la'Ah taa. aad in YsUow cuius Pare Mr, Henry FroeMieh'sstrlnf guart.t tran-cr i l- p'aao. Io a on rt i wul aureir r. vt ceuail IV i matiral ia a.ner.i.

Aa a K.a Uea l-( ext-a a a very ttcuit, A very elaborate ma steal preer ammo wi'l be reader I tat-day by toe iriaiir U. I burcn L-toir. in tenor of tbe reopeeiria of tb cbercb.eo Nintlt B-ceck be loess Lace aod Lint atreet-. I Ot.

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